~the 2nd part of oh against Alice´s father~

Clay; *gets up and aim´s at Dave* ~everyone of the dream team~; *packs up and runs as they can*
Abtha; *yells at Absinthe to block Dave from the view of the sky shooter, jumps, punches the ground, attacks the army*
Clay; *Shoots Hitting one of them* // Blake; *appear´s By Alice and yell´s* RETREAT!!
Absinthe; *gets hit* Abtha! // Abtha; ABSINTHE!! *turns into a very huge dragon, toxic gas comes out of the mouth*
Blake; *throws something at her making her faint down to human form* // Alice; DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!
Abtha; *faints, falls hitting the ground pretty hard* // Dave; ABTHA! *punches one of the enemies he was fighting, and tries to chase after them to get to Abtha*
shadow; *grabs Abtha and Brings her to blake* here you go master..*kneels down at blakes feet* // Blake; *grabs Abtha with one arm, and with the other used for an sword up in the air* RETREAT!
Jinx; NO! ABTHA! *runs, growels making the wind get wild*
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