Most important things girls usually need in their school bag.

Here is my list of the most important things a girl should have in their school bag.
1. School books (planner) so you actually have what you need.
2. A pencil case, if you don't like what you need buy cute stationary to liven things up a bit.
3. Deodorant, in school when we have P.E a lot of people tend to get sweaty. Don't worry it's completely normal just take a deodorant to make things better. My school doesn't allow sprays so a roller might be a better idea.
4. Pads or tampons. For any of you ladies who are embarrassed about having them in your bag don't be, it's completely normal and most girls feel the same way. Just get a little bag or purse to place in your bag so nobody will even notice.
5. Make up bag, this is not essential I would only suggest taking a small one if you wear make up to school. This is only because after lessons such as P.E you may want to touch up your make up.
6. A notepad. Not all girls tend to do this but I suddenly remember stuff at school or have an idea to do something then forget by the time I get home so taking a notepad is a good idea to remember.
7. This may also relate to point six. I usually like to take a diary to school with me. Not a diary for writing your feelings in, a diary to write stuff on different dates. This means you can see if you are busy on certain days and arrange to meet people.
8. A bottle of water, this is just something I have to have in my bag as I get really thirsty through out the day then regret not having a drink with me.
9. A jacket, I usually keep a jacket in my bag as where I live the weather can be very unpredictable and it usually has bright sun and hail stones within the space of five minutes. That's why I keep a jacket.
10. Some cool felt pens. I normally have these for group projects or posters and to have the best stationary in class.
So there was my list, I hope I helped you in any way this would have been great for me when I started middle school. Anyway comment down below any topics to talk about and if this list helped you or not.
I love you all
Awkward Girl
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