
Make my ears ring
Loud Words
making tears come
Im just fine
Im listening close
To The place I call home
Wonderful words
pretty even
A headache is my only warning
I listen alot
People dont understand
My only place I call my owm
Linkin Park
Depressing and Relatable
Energetic and Loud
Breaking Benjiman
My place alone
I Finally am Home
Pleasant music is my placement
Forever in my room
Headphones on
Volume blasting
Im my own feelings
I have my reasons
The abus I witnessed
and Hate on me
The feeling of lonliness
Leaves me in the dark
Dont unplug my Headphones
Is my warning on you
You'll suffer the consequences
If I'm alone with music
Don't bug
If Im crying with music
Don't ask
I have my reasons You know
You read them too
Leave me in my feelings alone
I lock my door
Blast Crybaby
Until I cry
Blast Under your scars
until I love
Blast Psycho
Until I live in mania again
You see?
We all live different
I like My Metal and rock
Keep Pop and Rap away
My music is all ill listen to
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