Legendary Pokemon

In the second Pokémon movie, the three legendary birds reside in Shamoiti Island. It is known that if the three are disturbed and quarrel with each other only Lugia can stop the fight between the three bird Pokémon. They do also appear in the anime series.
The Mew Duo or also known as DNA Duo are the two legendary Pokémon Mewtwo and Mew. Mewtwo is the clone of Mew, one of the Mythical Pokémon. It is known that Mewtwo was given birth to by Mew by researchers after obtaining Mew's DNA. Mewtwo is created in a Pokémon Mansion on Cinnabar Island also known is that the Cinnabar Island Gym Leader Blaine also had something to do with the cloning of Mew. Unfortunately, Mewtwo was an angry Pokémon and it destroyed the Pokémon Mansion. After that Mewtwo travelled to the Cerulean Cave and is currently residing there. Strange knowing is that Mewtwo is actually the clone of Mew, but Mewtwo comes first in the Pokédex. Mewtwo number in the National Pokédex is #150, that of Mew is #151. It can be because Mew is a mythical Pokémon and it is rarely seen by humans while Mewtwo has been created by humans through DNA. Also Mew wasn't legitimately available in the Generation 1 games although was mentioned in journals in the Pokémon mansion, and all references to the number of Pokémon in the region state there are 150 not 151, Mew's Pokedex number is 151.
The Legendary Beasts trio contains Raikou an Electric-type Thunder Pokémon, Entei a Fire-type Volcano Pokémon and Suicune a Water-type Aurora Pokémon. Raikou, Entei and Suicune originally died because of lightning struck the Brass Tower. It is known that they were located in the Brass Tower and that it burned to the ground with them trapped inside. Luckily, all three were revived by Ho-Oh and the three are roaming around Johto, it is unknown if the three were originally a Raikou, an Entei and a Suicune or if Ho-Oh changed them into a Raikou, an Entei and a Suicune from something else when it revived them.
The Legendary Beasts trio contains Raikou an Electric-type Thunder Pokémon, Entei a Fire-type Volcano Pokémon and Suicune a Water-type Aurora Pokémon. Raikou, Entei and Suicune originally died because of lightning struck the Brass Tower. It is known that they were located in the Brass Tower and that it burned to the ground with them trapped inside. Luckily, all three were revived by Ho-Oh and the three are roaming around Johto, it is unknown if the three were originally a Raikou, an Entei and a Suicune or if Ho-Oh changed them into a Raikou, an Entei and a Suicune from something else when it revived them.
The Tower Duo are the two legendary bird-like Pokémon, Ho-Oh a Fire/Flying dual-type Rainbow Pokémon and Lugia a Psychic/Flying dual-type Diving Pokémon. Ho-Oh and Lugia are considered to be a legendary duo Pokémon in the Johto region. Ho-Oh is known as "the guardian of the skies" and Lugia is known as "the guardian of the seas". Ho-Oh was the first legendary Pokémon that has been appeared in the anime, it appeared in the very first episode of the Pokémon series, however at the time Ho-Oh had not been officially announced and wasn't identified in the episode.
The Golem Trio contains the three legendary golem Pokémon: Regirock a Rock-type Peak Pokémon, Regice a Ice-type Iceberg Pokémon and Registeel a Steel-type Iron Pokémon. According to the legend, the three golems have been shaped by Regigigas. Regirock has been created out of rocks, Regice has been created out of ice and Registeel has been created out of steel. The three golems first appears in the Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald versions. In order to gain them the player must go underwater to a place named the Sealed Chamber which can be reach by diving Route 134. For that you need a Pokémon who can use dig a Relicanth and a Wailord. After completing the task the three legendary golems have their chambers opened, which Regirock is located in the Desert Ruins, Regice is located in the Island Cave and Registeel is located in the Ancient Tomb. In the Pokémon Platinum video game series, Regirock is located at the Rock Peak Ruins, which Regice at the Iceberg Ruins and Registeel at the Iron Ruins, however they can only be obtained through event.
The Eon Duo consist of the twins, Latios a Dragon/Psychic dual-type Eon Pokémon and Latias also a Dragon/Psychic dual-type Pokémon. Latios is a full male and Latias is a full female. In the anime movie of the Pokémon series they are the guardians of Alto Mare and have a strong connection to the Soul Dew. Latios is a roaming Pokémon in Pokémon Ruby while Latias is a roaming Pokémon in Pokémon Sapphire. In the Pokémon Emerald video game series there is still one roaming around Hoenn which the player can choose after defeating the Pokémon League. In Pokémon Ruby in Pokémon Sapphire they can also be obtained by using the Eon Ticket given out by Nintendo Power. They re-appear again in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver also as roaming Pokémon. Latias appears only in Pokémon HeartGold and Latios in Pokémon SoulSilver. Another way to get the Eon Duo is through an event that contains the obtaining of a Enigma Stone which the player must go after defeating the Pokémon League to the Pewter City museum where the player meets the Hoenn region champion Steven stating that the Enigma Stone is actually a Soul Dew, Latias will appear in front of you in Pokémon SoulSilver and Latios in Pokémon HeartGold.
The Weather Trio, also known as the Ancient Trio consists of Kyogre a Water-type Sea Basin Pokémon, Groudon a Ground-type Continent Pokémon and Rayquaza a Dragon/Flying dual-type Sky High Pokémon. According to the myths of the three legendary Pokémon it is said that Kyogre have the power to bring forth the rain and therefore expand the sea, Groudon is said to ward off rain and expand land by evaporating the water with light and heat. It is said that Rayquaza is the protector of the skies and is seen living mostly in the atmosphere. Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza are also mascots of Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald. Kyogre is the mascot of the Pokémon Sapphire Version, Groudon that of Pokémon Ruby Version and Rayquaza that of Pokémon Emerald Version. Groudon doesn't appear in Pokémon Sapphire and Kyogre doesn't appear in Pokémon Ruby. Groudon can be captured at Cave of Origin in Pokémon Ruby Version only and Kyogre also at the Cave of Origin but in Pokémon Sapphire only. Rayquaza can be captured at Sky Pillar in both versions. In Pokémon Emerald Version their capturing schedule has been changed knowing that they are only obtainable after defeating the Pokémon League. Groudon can be found at the Terra Cave and Kyogre can be found at the Marine Cave. They do re-appear in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver which the player can gain a Blue Orb in Pokémon HeartGold Version and a Red Orb in Pokémon SoulSilver Version, there is also a third orb called the Jade Orb which can be obtained both in the video games. Bring one of the two orbs to the Embedded Tower to encounter one of the three Pokémon. During Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald Team Aqua were after Kyogre and Team Magma were after Groudon to use them for their own means.
The Lake Trio contains the three legendary Pokémon that has their own spots at the three known lakes of the Sinnoh region. The first being Uxie a Psychic-type Knowledge Pokémon, Azelf a Psychic-type Willpower Pokémon and Mesprit a Psychic-type Emotion Pokémon. The legend of their existence goes as followed, when the universe was created, Arceus created Pokémon to protect and embody spirit. Uxie was created to protect and embody knowledge, Azelf was created to protect and embody willpower and Mesprit was created to protect and embody emotion. The three lake guardians plays a major role in the Generation IV video game series.
In the Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum game series Team Galactic's commanders captured the lake guardians for their leader Cyrus and he uses their powers to craft a Red Chain in order to take control of Dialga in Pokémon Diamond and Palkia in Pokémon Pearl and both of them in Pokémon Platinum and recreate the universe without spirit.
The Creation Trio also known as the Crown Dragon Trio contains Dialga the Steel/Dragon dual-type Temporal Pokémon, Palkia the Water/Dragon dual-type Spatial Pokémon and Giratina the Ghost/Dragon dual-type Renegade Pokémon. According to the legend, when the universe was created, Arceus created Pokémon to craft the universe. Dialga was created to craft time, Palkia was created to craft space and Giratina was created to craft antimatter. The three dragon Pokémon serve as the main mascot of the video games, Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum which each of the three plays a major role in the video game. Pokémon Diamond leads as Dialga as the main subject of the theme as Pokémon Pearl leads as Palkia as the main subject of the theme. In Pokémon Platinum the two dragon Pokémon serve as the main subject of the theme but afterwards more Giratina when its world was first introduced in.
The Lunar Duo contains Cresselia, a Psychic-type Lunar Pokémon and Darkrai, a Dark-type Pitch-Black Pokémon. Cresselia represents the crescent moon which symbolizes hope and good dreams. Darkrai represents the new moon which represents fear, helplessness and nightmares. Unfortunately, Darkrai is more considered as a Mythical Pokémon instead of a Legendary Pokémon. Cresselia is a full female, Darkrai however is genderless.
Heatran is a Fire/Steel dual-type Lava Dome Pokémon. Heatran is the spirit and protector of all volcanic activity which is also believed that it has been created at the same time Dialga, Palkia and Giratina shaped the universe. Heatran has the distinction of being the only Legendary that can be either male or female, with a 50% chance of each.
'Regigigas is a legendary Normal-type Colossal Pokémon known for his creation of Regirock, Registeel and Regice. Regigigas is also known for the one who have moved continents in place by pulling them with a rope. In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, Regigigas will be in the Snowpoint Temple after that you've defeated the Pokémon League but also you need the three golems so that Regigigas will appear in the bottom floor. Regigigas re-appears in the Pokémon Black and White version 2 at Twist Mountain after you've defeated the Pokémon League, but Regigigas will not be awaken after that you've got the three golems in your party.
The Musketeers consists of Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo. They are also known as the Swords of Justice. They fight to protect Pokémon that have lost their homes to humans. Keldeo has an alternate form, the Resolution Form. With the exception of Keldeo, each is Fighting-type with a secondary Type matching their names (example: Virizon is also a Grass-type.). This is the first Legendary Quartet.
The Kami consists of Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus. Tornadus represents wind, Thundurus represents lightning, and Landorus represents ground. Tornadus is the only Pokémon that is a pure Flying type. They are the trio where each member and trio master has an alternate form, acquired by the use of the Reflecting Mirror, they are all pure male, marking the first time a trio all have genders (other than genderless) and share the same gender.
The Tao Trio also known as the 'Energy Trio' consists of Reshiram a Dragon/Fire dual-type Vast White Pokémon, Zekrom a Dragon/Electric dual-type Deep Black Pokémon and Kyurem a Boundary Pokémon. Each of the dragon trio symbolizes a specific energy and controls a specific type. Reshiram symbolizes Yang and controls the element fire, Zekrom symbolizes Yin and controls electricity and Kyurem symbolizes Wuji and controls ice. It is known that Kyurem has two alternate forms that has been introduced in Pokémon Black and White Version 2 known as Black Kyurem and White Kyurem. Black Kyurem is obtained by fusing Zekrom's genes with Kyurem that is only in the Pokémon Black 2 video game and White Kyurem is obtained by fusing Reshiram's genes with Kyurem that is only in Pokémon White 2. Kyurem can only change into those forms when the player has acquired the DNA Splicers. It is unknown if the transformation is painful for the dragons. In storyline they were originally one Pokémon that split into two when its twin owners argued over truth and ideals, Kyurem was left as a by-product.
The members of the Yggdrasil Trio consist of Xerneas, a Fairy-type Pokemon, Yveltal, a Dark/Flying-type Pokémon, and Zygarde, a Dragon/Ground Pokemon. While Yveltal and Zygarde are dual type Pokemon, Xerneas is the only member of the Yggdrasil Trio that is not.
Two of the legendary Pokémon are also the main mascots of the video games Pokémon X and Y which Xerneas represents Pokémon X and Yveltal represents Pokémon Y. In either Pokemon X or Y, Team Flare would try using the dormant form of Xerneas or Yveltal to power the Ultimate Weapon; it remains to be seen if they will try something similar with Zygarde in a sequel.
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