A Home

Yuri's Pov
Mommy started approching the fox girl. The Fox girl looked scared of us so I decide to grab mommy's dress. Mommy looks down and asks why I stopped her. I replied thar we were scaring the girl. Then I asked Mommy if we could take the grl home with us. Mommy look concerned then her face lit up and she took off her apron and tied it around the girl's head.
Kathrine's Pov
When the woman tied her apron around my head I was startled then I realize she was trying to cover my ears. I was so deep in thought about why she would do that, the next I knew the family leading me out of the forest and to their house. I tried to escape but the youngest child wrap his arms around my leg and wouldn't let go. The one I didn't want to be accused of is kidnapping a child so I let the child drag me to his room.
-1 hour later-
*bang* someone slammed the door open and colasped on the couch. The woman who name I learn is Juri walk towards the man and started ask how his day was. Yuri (the youngest child) and Yuusuke (the eldest child) run towards the man and hugged him. I can only guess that the man is there father. I wasn't sure what to do so I stood there waiting for someone to notice me. Finally Yuri look at me and ran over to me. The rest of his family look over and that's when Juri realize that her husband didn't know me and took it upon herself to introduce me to her husband and vis versa(I told her my name earlier). Akio (Yuri's father) looked at me and smiled. He told me that his wife explained what happened while I was playing with Yuri earlier. He had come to the decision that I was now apart of their family and that I was welcome to stay for as long as I wanted. I was so happy that I ran towards the Shi (Their last name) family ans hugged them. We decide to go eat dinner
-After dinnertime-
I was sent to the guest bedroom soon to be my room. You see Juri and Akio after learning what my parents did decide to adopt me. Tomorrow we are going to the CWS (Child Welfare Services) and complete the adoption. The Shi family is going to say that they found me in the forest by myself yesterday and that my parents abandon me. If they ask me if I remember my family's name I will say I remember them but I don't wish to go back to the family that abandon me and then I will mention that my mother died giving birth to me.
-The next day-
The adoption went great. The Shi family is legally my family now tho the police do want to find my family and arrest them for Abandonment,Child Indangerment and Child Neglect. I'm not to worried about it tho because I'm fairly sure that my biological family has already left the country. If they didn't well who you belive a child who was abandon by her family or the family that supposely abandon her. All I'm worried about is catching up on my education so I can go to school and hiding my apperance so people don't get scared tho came up with the perfect excuse for my foxy apperance. She going to calm I'm osbessed with anime which is not untrue. So She got me a fancy black dress to wear to school so the school is more likely to believe us. I'm so excited. I'll be starting 6th grade and I hope I can make some friends tho I doudt it because who would to be friends with such a weird girl. So yes I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY FIRST DAY AT EAST SHORES MIDDLE SCHOOL.
Well I hope you like this chapter.
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Love ya all
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