Lock down at Avengers Tower

Laura, Katie and Kimberly were down in the training room being board out of their lives. “I hate being stuck here all day, every day.” says Katie. “Agreed.” agreed Kimberly and Laura. They were taking turns fighting each other using their powers but, taking it easy because they were still healing. When they were to sore and exhausted to continue they changed and headed up to the kitchen for a snack. When they got up there, the rest of the team even Thor (back from Asgard) were there waiting for the girls.
“What are you all doing?” says Laura. There was silence for a moment until Katie spoke, “Well!” There was another moment and when Katie was about to speak again, Thor spoke, “There has been a problem.” “What kind of problem?” says Kimberly. “Hydra has been watching us for a while and we were thinking about moving you three to a safe house just in case.” says Cap. “Are you serious, all we’ve been doing is staying here this is the safest place we could be now!” Laura yells.
“Laura,” says Bruce getting up and stepping towards her, “calm down.” Laura looks down and see’s the floor around her feet is covered in ice. “Sorry,” she says and the ice disappears, “I… I just want to go home I’m tired of staying here all the time.” And she walks out of the room. “She’s right you know.” says Kimberly walking out of the room behind Laura. “We’re all tired of staying here when ever we’re in trouble or in danger.” says Katie and then she leaves.
The next morning around 10 a.m. Tony was running around the living room freaking out. Katie had just walked in and walked up to Laura and Kimberly who were sitting on the couch feeding Leo and Star, while watching Tony run around messing with some controls. “Hey, what’s wrong with Tony and where’s everyone else?” Kimberly spoke first, “Oh, we don’t know what’s wrong with Tony, we just walked in after breakfast and he was acting like this… so we decided to watch.” “Ok, what about the others?” “Oh I have no idea, all I know is Clint and Natasha had a meeting with Hill and they would be back around noon.”
“I think I know where the others are,” says Laura, “Bruce is in his lab on the bottom floor and I think Steve and Thor are in the training room fighting… I bet on Thor.” Katie sits down in between the two girls, Star flies out the window, Leo runs out of the room and Tony passes by mumbling, “I need to fix him soon…” “That’s it,” says Kimberly getting up,” Tony, hey Tony!” “What, what do you want? I’m busy.” says Tony. “What’s the deal with the running around and mumbling, I need to fix him soon stuff?” “It’s Jarvis he’s not working he won’t respond.”
“What?!” said the three girls. “That’s not possible,” says Laura “is it?” “No it can’t be,” says Katie, “because Jarvis would warn us if someone was trying to hack him or shut him down.” After Katie says that Tony runs out of the room, down the stairs and Laura, Katie and Kimberly run after him. As they were running down the stairs Steve and Thor were coming out of the door on the 30th floor. “What’s…” started Thor.
“Jarvis isn’t working.” says Tony still running down the stairs. Steve and Thor followed without saying another word. When they got to the first floor, they followed Tony through the lobby and down the back stairs that lead to the labs and the towers arch reactor. At the bottom of the stairs Tony, Laura, Katie, Kimberly, Steve and Thor found Natasha, Clint and Bruce running out. “Nat,” Kimberly says, “What are you three doing?” Before Natasha, Bruce or Clint said anything, there was a loud crashing sound on the other side of the door.
“What in the world is going on Banner!” yells Tony. “I would ask the same to you.” says Bruce. “I don’t known, should I?” “They why are you down here?” “Jarvis isn’t working, and what are you two doing down here. Tony says turning towards Clint and Natasha. “We saw someone coming down here,” says Clint, “and it wasn’t Banner.”
“Then who…” started Laura. There came a big explosion on the other side of the door. “The labs!” says Bruce. “The towers reactor.” says Tony and the lights go out. “Tony,” says Steve, “what was that?” “That Mr. Rogers was the towers reactor exploding.”
“That door,” says Katie patting the door in the dark somehow “is the reason we are not dead. A moment later the emergency lights came on and everyone starts up the stairs. When they get up stairs the doors and windows are blocked. “What’s happening Stark?” says Thor. “The explosion must have set of the silent lock down alarm.” Tony answers. “Um Tony?” says Laura.
“No,” says Tony, “we can’t break through; those doors are made of vibranium and that’s that no more talking.” “You don’t need to be so rude.” says Katie. BOOM! The front doors blew apart sending everyone near it flying back. The Avengers were the only ones in the room none of them were seriously hurt, but Dr. Banner was having trouble. “Laura,” says Steve getting up off the ground and taking his shield off his back, “Laura, you, Katie and Kimberly need to get out of here now.”
“What?” “Go,” says Bruce struggling to keep the Hulk in, “Hydra will be here any moment.” “Laura, Katie come on their right.” says Kimberly. The three girls looked around at the other Avengers. “Go.” Clint says. “We can handle this, just get as far away from here, it’s too dangerous.” says Natasha.
“Ok.” Katie says getting up and pulling Laura with her and heading towards the back exit with Kimberly. “Go!” yells Bruce seeing people coming in holding guns, “Run!” The girls ran without looking back, but hearing gun shots, thunder, barking, screeching, yelling and the sound of the Hulk being unleashed.
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