
I just know that in this story the pacifist route was completed and that (almost) everyone is pretty much happy.)
"We finally made it!" Undyne shouted out at the top of her lungs, causing a few monsters that were standing near her to go deaf for a moment.
She looked at the surface around her in pure awe and fascination.
She then looked at all the monsters that were following behind her with the biggest smile of raw excitment and trill.
"We, Finally, Made It!" She shouted once again as the crowd burst out in a roar of cheers.
She turned her gaze at Frisk and for the first time, Undyne looked at the little human genuinely grateful.
And last but definatly not least, she looked gently at Alphys, grabbing her claws with her scally hands.
"We finally made it." She wispered to her beloved, with so much love and proudness that it made the yellow reptilian go completely red in the face.
"Y-yeah, I-I g-guess we d-did." Alphys stuttered with equal affection.
The two lovebirds were unconsiously making a pink flowered aura around them making the others sweatdrop.
"Oke, oke we get it, you both love eachother to death but could you please stop, you're ruining the scene." Sans complained in fake annoyance.
Undyne snapped out of it and balled up her fist in such solid frustration that red vains were almost popping out of her face.
"You Little Punk! You telling me what to do, why I outta" She bellowed and grumbled as she quickly ran up to Sans and tried to claw her sharp nails into his skull.
Ofcourse, expected of the short skeleton, he teleported away at the last second with a grin on his skull.
Alphys quickly ran after Undyne in her raged state to try and calm her down, but with the state of rampaging Undyne was in the reptile doctor was having allot of trouble keeping up.
" *SIGH* I SHOULD OF EXPECTED THAT OF MY ANNOYING BROTHER." Papyrus said in his normally loud voice.
All the monsters, and human, that heard him nodded, taking in the amazing view of the setting sun.
Papyrus looked at the beautiful setting with a relaxed and proud expression.
He kept staring till a sudden idea came to him.
Papyrus was making heroic-like stances while his scarf was waving behind him, the scenery making it look even cooler.
The tall skeleton was now quite the sight to behold, if he wasn't already.
*Frisk nodded their head and agreed.
While that was going on, Toriel was looking at scenery, relaxed and relieved.
'No more need to kill innocent children, or letting anyone else suffer because of it.'
She sighed contently, feeling like a heavy weight was lifted off her shoulders.
It caused her to make a small genuine smile, automatically making everyone else unconciously smile.
(If momma's happy, everybody's happy XD)
Asgore looked over at Toriel admiring the motherly goat, but quickly looked away so that she wouldn't notice him staring.
He didn't want to ruin the relaxed expression the goat lady had, and being stared at by, your ex-husband, wouldn't have a positive effect.
'Asgore, think positive to yourself, Atleast she's willingly standing withing 10 kilometers to you... that not positive thinking at all...'
Big king Fluffybutts was sulking again, but still enjoyed the scenery.
They all stood there next to eachother, enjoying the scenery together.
Even Undyne and Alphys, who were now relaxed again, were standing there side-by-side holding hands.
Unexpectedly even Sans teleported back, now standing next to Frisk who didn't notice he was there.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Sans suddenly asked, making Frisk almost jump out of their skin in suprise.
When Frisk calmed down she looked over at Sans and nodded in agreement.
"... What do you think is going to happen out there?" Sans asked.
If you listed closely, instead of curiousity, there was hidden anxiety in his voice, like he was awaiting something bad to come but didn't want anybody else to know.
Frisk didn't detect anything wrong though, so she just tilted her head in question.
"I mean, I don't think the humans,-the reason we were locked down in the underground in the first place-, will just except monsters for, the monsters that we are." Sans said a bit more worriedly.
Frisk caught on, seeing how worried he is.
They looked at him with a face that said 'I know your worried, but what do think I am then if not human, a goldfish?!'.
Sans looked at them, immidiately turning his worried face into a smug smile.
"I don't know about that, but you do act like Undyne sometimes. It wouldn't been weird if you guys were possibly the same species, anyFin is possible."
*Frisk angrily looked at Sans to stop making puns in bad situations.
"Yeah, I should probably stop pulling your gills."
*Frisk playfully angry pushed the skeletons shoulder a bit to make him stop. But that just made both of them laugh out loud.
It's weird how conversations between Sans and Frisk go. How he could read the little human's face & actions and both have a good conversation, even though Frisk hasn't said a word.
It as if they have a weird connection, like they understand eachother on some level.
How both went through traumatizing things, and still survived till this day.
But that's a mistery for another day.
As Sans looked at the setting sun, he couldn't help but feel troubled. He felt that something peculiar was going to happen in the near future. Something he never experienced before, and honestly, he was quite scared of the thought. But he just knew it, as he quite litterally felt it in his bones.
Yup, that's the prologue.
I hoped you guys enjoyed, and might even write a helpful comment on how I can hopefully become a better writer :3
Till the next chapter :D
Have a nice day ^-^
{Total word count: 1070}
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