
Rose: Hey Kat. How's it going?
Kat: Great, love
Rose: Don't call me that!
Kat: Uh...why?
Rose: I heard that text companies can read your messages!
Kat: I don't think they care about your sexuality
Rose: I told you I'm straight!
Kat: then why are you dating me?
Rose: I'm experimenting
Kat: That's offensive. Just recently you said that you loved me.
Rose: I don't know
Kat: Make up your mind. I don't feel like being a test subject
Rose: Sorry. Bye
Kat: Bye
Kat: ROSE!!!! We need to talk!
Kat: Rose?
Kat: Rose?
Kat: Hello?
Kat: Where are you Rose?
Kat: ROSE???
Rose: hi
Kat: ROSE WHY HAVENT YOU RETURNED MY TEXT??? Are you trying to ignore me
Rose: Yes
Kat: WHAT?
Rose: I heard from my priest that what we do is not okay
Kat: so?
Rose: Kat we are horrible people.
Kat: Nooooo we're not.
Rose: I'm evil. You're evil.
Kat: I'm not evil.
Rose: I can't talk to you
Kat: You're not evil
Rose: Kat? I'm scared. I can't tell my parents. I'm an awful person.
Kat: Rose I'm sorry.
Rose: What?
Kat: I can't do this anymore. I don't want to be told I'm evil constantly. I don't want a girlfriend who refuses to admit that she's in a relationship with me. I want to feel good about myself. I feel bad that you can't, but I can't deal with that. Look, when we get to school I have to tell you something.
Rose: I love you.
Kat: I know Rose. I know.
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