The Beginning

I had one defining quality, though. I was the ultimate perfectionist. I had an exact plan for how my life would go. I had mapped the whole plan out on a list. It wasn't asking that much ( I didn't plan to go to Harvard or Yale like Kat) but it was everything I needed.
My Perfect Life:
1. Graduate high school with at least a 3.0 GPA
2. Get into a nice college
3. Go to med school to become a vet
4. Meet the man of my dreams
5. Open a veterinary clinic
6. Have two kids, a boy and a girl
7. Retire at age 70
8. Die at age 100
I know, I know it was a bit strange to include the part about death. But that's what I wanted. Then Kat came alone. Kat was so beautiful and interesting I just...we were so close. I cared about her so much that I wasn't sure what I felt. I had never liked anyone that way anymore. My parents always thought I was a late bloomer. They thought that I would meet the boy of my dreams eventually. I didn't. Once, actually, I did feel something towards a pretty camp counselor. She read books about princesses saving themselves and I admired her so much. But I dismissed my crush on her. I couldn't like her. Could I? Kat was like her, but my age. I just didn't want to feel the feelings. Being a lesbian had always been kind of taboo at my little school. I didn't want to be bullied.
It really snapped into place one day when I went to a party with her. We played spin the bottle and she got me. We kissed and it was the greatest feeling of my life. I could do anything. Sparks flew and I knew that she was the one. But I didn't know what to do about that. Should I tell her? Should I not tell her? Is it okay? Am I okay? I really loved her. I knew that much for sure.
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