The making of the ship

Dark pov
I pick up a order of thing for the ship " I got the order for the ship is there anything else we need to build it" I say on my walk-talk " No we got what we need" Ame replay. I Look up in the sky and ship we come down from space and open fire on the city I grab my keys and want off in my Humvee then i grab my walk-talk " The city is under attack there soldiers on the ground killing people. Get some Jackal in the sky some troops in the city and evacy all people from the city" i said. Soon i drive into are base as people starting run for the aircraft I grab somebody " Get this supply to the new ship" I said to him and he did. I walk to a nearby ship " Get this up in the air and ready all guns" I said as stand on the bridge. Then i mumble under my breath " Get here soon my friends" as we head to fight the unknowing emeny.
Akari pov
My parents and I were having a birthday from " Fliney i'm 16 and i go to the military base not far to get a tour of thing" i said as i jump in my dad car and we see ship coming from space we about to honk to we see a it open fire on building in front of us and soon seinr we going off. (A/N please add this so it get more real in you mind. A bomb hit next to us but i survived " NO NO DAD MOM" I Had everything i want now it was taken way they save me from more test.
Keinoa Pov
I look out of my drop ship at the ground to see people running away from the fighting " This should be easy to win" I said. Then a nearby drop ship went down I turn my head to see where we are getting attack from i see battleship like are coming to defend their own people “ This go to be fun. Kill everyone” I said.
Dark Pov
“ Load all gun and take out there main ship and get everyone out now” I yelled as we approach as we see the city on fire and smoke. Soon everything went silent then a headstone came in saying a battleship is down. “ Are we in rang yet” I ask one of my crew “ No sir about 10 clik out” she said.
Amaze’s pov
I run into the city and I see dropships everywhere and I run up to a rooftop and I hit a spring and I get launched at the dropship and when i get to it i run through and i circle a bunch of the attackers and i then stop in the middle of them and i sway my tail to my left and I say “Well that’s a pretty snazzy performance there.” I then smiled at them and when they opened fire i leapt up and i spun in a ball and i came back down and light speed attacked them one by one and i ground stomped the last one and i then tap them with my foot and they fall over then i ran towards the bridge.
Akane pov
“ Mark there something up with the city” I said to him “ Like what. If it's dark don't worry he can hand it” he said. Then soul from the city we at the gate “ This is bad go Akane and see what going on” he said and I teleport in to the city and there a war going on “ Oh my” i spot a girl crying as a soldier point there gun at her I made him shot himself in the head. “ Are you ok miss” I ask her.
Foxy pov
I look at the one of the ship I wasn't sacre to fight but with so many of them a ship it scare the crap out me and i'm just 15 about to jump to fight. I walk couple of step and run at the ship I land right on top of a hatch. I clam in and took a gun from a dead person.
Amaze’s pov
I fight my way through the drop ship and I roundhouse a few enemies and I knock them out of the dropship and i use my speed to get through pretty quickly then i make my way to the bridge to find the pilot and they stand and they’re twice my size and they set the ship on autopilot and I step back ready to fight and the big guy rushes at me and i avoid his attacks as best i can.
Keinoa Pov
I look at the fox as i try to rush him but he seems to be faster than eyesight I tried to hit him but he just kept avoiding my attacks then i feel a sharp pain in my side and i noticed the fox had kicked me but when he noticed that it didn’t really hurt me he looked up at me with a sudden rush of panic and i smirked and grabbed his leg and threw him into the wall.
Amaze’s Pov
I groaned in pain and i popped my back and I got up and dashed around to try to find an opening to attack the big guy and i ended up having him charge into the wall stunning him and i jumped up and light speed attacked him three times then i backflipped back and he got up and turned around and looked dead at me and I smirked knowing i figured out a way to beat him.
Dark pov
I walk to the side bay and wait to jump in a dropship to hurt some people but lucky I jump in with one with a old time friend vs someone twice his size “ Whatsapp Amaze “ I said as i dodge the person fist “oh hey i know how to beat this guy.” he said. “ Sweet but i now a faster way to beat him,” i said then swing my leg up to the guy nuts sack and he fell to the ground.
Akari pov
I look at the woman that save me I run up to her and hug her with tears coming down my face not knowing what to do “ It's ok sweetheart. Do you now we Dark is?” She ask me “ was about to go to his base but the attack stop us” i said to her.
Amaze’s Pov
“Cruel but effective.” i said as the big guy was lying on the ground holding his nuts. I then dash over to the controls and I disable the auto pilot and i set the course into the mountains where there isn’t any civilians then I crouch down. I then pull out a yellow orb and i activate it and i feel it’s power flow through me and i then charge up and i throw a burst of electricity through the wall and a large hole is left and the wind flows hard through the bridge and i then grab dark and i throw him out then i get the big guy and i throw him out and i then leap out myself and skydive towards the ground at high speeds.
Dark pov
Teleport to a needy roof and look at the enemy battleship. “ All unity is the city clear yet” I pull out a roid “ Yes sir” someone said “ Open fire” I said then see a fox want in inside then teleport inside the ship.
Amaze’s Pov
I land on a rooftop and I look back up in the sky and i see the battleship and I growl “This is gonna take all day… unless…” I said to myself. I then leap off the roof and i free fall towards the ground and when I land i dash off down the street at high speed and I take out any enemies in my way and I see a Black wolf doing the same thing but he’s taking out anyone and everyone in his path. I run up to the wolf and notice it’s Shadow my brother and I get his attention and I say “Hey Shadow why don’t you help us fight this battle.” He growled at me and shrugged me off and keeps going and destroying anyone in his path. “Fine be that way.” I said to myself and I dash through the city and I hit a ramp and I get launched to the rooftops and a row of drones fly towards me and I jump up and light speed attack right through them to a floating platform and I keep doing chain attacks until i get to the battleship.
Foxy pov
I made my way to the brig of the ship hoping to take this home with me to make my own crew. Soon alam were going off but i now it wasn’t me i see people flying and flames round a corner shout “ Friendly here!” “ Kid you are not spust be here” The person said as he turn the corner “ Why not” i said then a loud boom hit next to us “. That why” he said as he stand in front of me as a group of people with gun a rock lacner “ Someone get Amaze in here now” the person said.
Amaze’s Pov
I manage to get inside the battleship and I run through it destroying any enemies in my way. I get to the bridge and I get knocked out of the room as soon as i came through the door and I kip back to my feet and I see a Renamon in my way and she looked angry and I smirk and challenge her.
Ame pov
“ Hold you fire everybody Dark is in side the enemy battleship” I said as I stand in the middle of the bridge. “ Get a team ready to go and to take it over then wait for order from dark” I said as i walk to a jet to help my leader out.
Keinoa pov
I was now a POW “ I will get free from you and we will win this war” I said as people drag me way where i land when the fox thought me out of my aircraft. I was mad at the one person who kick me in the nuts that a low blow to anyone.
Dark pov
I smile when i made it to the bridge when i see Amaze “ Kid stay here and don't move” i said to him. He just nod at me “ I got you six Amaze” I said as i jump over a console to add him. I told myself “ Fight like you never fight in you life”.
Amaze’s Pov
I get thrown out the bridge window and I flip to my feet and I see a barrage of white things flying at me and I quickstep to avoid being hit then I see the renamon come down at me with her feet and hands glowing and she kicks my down through the roof beneath me and I hit the ground with a thud and i struggle to get up. “Why don’t you just give up already.” The renamon said as she dropped down in front of me. “Because i’m not finished yet.” I said as I pull out a black orb and I activate it and I burst up with a dark aura and I dash at the renamon and i stop behind her and she turns her head in shock and I kick her into the wall and I dash to her and i perform a ultra combo. After a few minutes the orb expires and my aura fades and the renamon rushes at me and I block her attacks the best i can then I counter but she counters my counter and throws me up and I ground stomp to her but she catches me i hop down. “Dangerous.” She says then i’m hit in my back by one of her goons and i step forward and she roundhouses me into the wall and i pull out another electric orb and I burst some electricity and i throw bolts at them and i take out the goon and I dash at her and i kick her up and I charge up a ball of energy and throw it up and she comes back down and bounces and i shock her with a field of energy and i kick her down then i look p at the ball of energy and it starts to come down and I run back then i stop and run back at her and I jump up and drop kick the ball into the renamon and it shocks her until she’s unconscious.
Akane pov
The girl and i walk through the city we pass dead body on the ground some were soldiers and the rest are civilian. “ Miss what you name” the girl said “ Akane” I said as we stop and look up as see the battleship of both side.
Dark pov
“Well i guess Amaze took care of that one” I said and went to the console to there plan “ Hey kid come here now” I said “ Yes” he said and walk in i want you to shut down there gun use this flares to say come on board as i hand him the tools he need. “ Hmm this is going to be fun” I said to myself as i go to the captain's seat and went back to my base to repair the window that Amaze thought.
Foxy pov
I went to the window and and fire the flares as drop ship land in side the ship I see the fox that put up a fight with a female so i jump down to talk to him. “ Hey what you name” I said as the breeze of wind hit my face. “Amaze… Amaze Stark.” He said just before he dashed off and jumped off the ship.
Amaze’s Pov
I skydived towards the ground and when i got close to the ground i slowed my decent and corrected my landing and I dashed off down the street. I light speed attacked the enemies in my way and I fight off the remaining enemies in the city in incredible speed.
Dark pov
After the window was repiers i head to the city to see if Amaze need a hand but stop when i see a demon gurnd with a teenage girl i shift and howls for any nearby groups to help me out with the demon.
Akane pov
I look over the wolf that just howled soon more wolves and people appear ready to kill us I put myself in front of the girl to keep her safe “ Stand down all of you” I said “ No can do you demon you a enemy that could have help them attack us” the wolf said. “ So be it” i said and rise my up my gun ride to fight.
Amaze’s Pov
I run through the city and i get to Dark a few seconds after he howled and I growled at the demon and I dashed right by them knocking them up into the air then i light speed dash right through them multiple times before knocking them back down.
Dark pov
“ Amaze don't hurt the girl.” i said as Jumping over him and bite the demon on the arm. Then i feel the spitechl pressure around me drop and i hit the ground and every one in 50 yard did the same thing i did. “ Now im piss off “ i yelled then then reseal my own spritpresure and get up then go to my third form. I stand tall with my leather coat on with my fire wolf symbol on it and ears and tail showing off with my sword on my back. Then i take a one step and fire cicero me.
Akari pov
I look at Dark he was powerful the story that my mom and dad say about him are true. “ Akane that Dark. He the last firewerwolf in the world.” i said as she get up and ready to attack him. I get up and took cove so i can't get hurt after what the fox did to us.
Amaze’s Pov
I stand up and I feel my burst trying to get out but i stop it and I say to myself “Not yet.” I then look at the demon and growl and I see the girl and I don’t move as i don’t want to hurt the girl so I disappear from eyesight and in my vision i run to the demon and i grab them and i thrust them into the ground.
Akane pov
I teleport 15 feet away from both of them “ i'm not here to fight I came to see what going on” I yelled at them as i hit the ground and a giant crack on the road. Dark and Amaze jump out of the way.
Dark pov
“ Amaze i'm going to share my power with you get ready to go all out” I said to him. I teleport behind him “ Are you ready” i ask him. “I have my own.” he said as i see some red markings form on his fur. “ All right but you better keep clear and grab the girl” I said as teleport in front of him and create a ball of fire and i look at the demon soon the color went to a blue then i through it at demon.
Amaze’s Pov
I keep myself from using my true power and I dash to the girl and i pick her up gently and I dash her far away from the city and battle. “Stay here, It’s too dangerous in the city.” I said just before i dashed back to the city to Dark and I hop up and i light speed attack the demon.
Akane pov
I try to block it but the flames they were too strong i keen to the ground “ Im telling the truth, i save that little girl from dying” I said to him. He stop then think “ Go home and don't come back” Dark said “ i cant you guys need help.” i said to him. “Wait a minute, how do you know him but not me.” The fox said like he was a bit disappointed.
Amaze’s Pov
My ears go back and I keep my tail behind me and my red markings have faded and I stood there confused and curious on how the demon didn’t know about the multiverse’s fastest fox.
Dark Pov
“Amaze I think I know why she didn't know you from a another plant that you try to protect but you were kick out and you meet the devil and you help him and your trying to save you new home” I said to to both of them
Akari pov
“ Hey Fox” I yelled at him because and just hit his face “ That for not telling me what going on and leaving me somewhere” I said Dark just look at me then back to Akane “ She did save me and stop beat her up” I said to Dark now being a bitch to him.
Amaze’s Pov
I rub my snout as it hurt from being hit. “How did you get back here so fast?” I asked the little girl. “I been a test on like lab rat that give me specialises in elements” as she look at me. “And that explains how you got here so fast how?”. I asked. “ I just used my shadow and your shadow to get here.” she reply I think about it then i pull out my darkness orb. “I see well i gotta get home guys i’ll see you guys later.” I said just before i dashed off.
Dark pov
“ Hey before you go Amaze I going to call a meeting because i don't think it just are home being attacked, I seen there plan there try to take over all the world and they have blockaded in space.” I yelled as he dashed off.
Amaze’s Pov
I ran towards the beach and I pull out my phone and i tap a few things and a gateway opened up in the sand and a grind rail came up and I hopped on it and i grinded on the rail into my hidden tunnel that leads underwater and i close the tunnel behind me and i kept grinding through and switching rails as i put them there in case anyone was able to get in. I kept grinding and i keep my balance the whole way through and i hit a spring at the end of the rail and i get launched into my home and the door closed behind me and i hear the gravity field disable and the water filled the tunnel behind the door and I dashed around my home looking for my wife but she wasn’t there as she went to the store to get a few things. I sigh and dash into my computer room to find the orbital sensors going nuts. “This must be what Dark was talking about.” I pull out my phone and i call my friend Luna and i get her to come into the computer room so she can be my tech in the chair. Once Luna shows up her tail was wagging and her wings were hidden in her hoodie. Luna rushed to the computers once she saw the orbital sensors going nuts.
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