This is my BHNA oc. I know these are stupid, but I am bored, so why not. Ask away. For some background knowledge, her household consists of her mother, her younger brother (5 years old) and her Older brother (18 years old). She is currently 16 years of age. She has a nose piercing, tongue piercing, and ear piercing. She has blonde hair, purple eyes, and a more athletic build. Her quirk is flamethrower with the backlash of Burns and if she is lucky, just pains. To help this, she has special gloves that limit this to an extent. ASK AWAY. Cover is unrelated to story. Different anime XD
Hisae put the gloves on, ignoring the question that Evelyn asked. "Im not saying im some patriot, im just saying, if you don't want to be here, pack it and leave you god dam Kanato Wannabe" Her tone was more on the angry side @Mrs_Bakugou_You_Hoe
Okay so this is a question from the pint of view of my Oc Evelyn. “Is there a possibility we could ‘hang’ out sometime? You sound like an interesting person I’d want to know.”
“My quirk is called Rapier dance, I can basically summon a maximum of 45 (so far) rapiers and make them ‘fly’ and attack people without me even having to touch them. I can do it with other weapons too, but I’m best with this particular weapon. My drawback is temporary loss off colour, if I really overuse it will become permanent,”
- Kanato wannabe I mean Murasaki
(Best boi)
"Im not saying im some patriot, im just saying, if you don't want to be here, pack it and leave you god dam Kanato Wannabe" Her tone was more on the angry side
“So why do you like UA so much and get all defensive? Me and Enrich find it weird and irritating.”
“Is there a possibility we could ‘hang’ out sometime? You sound like an interesting person I’d want to know.”
I can basically summon a maximum of 45 (so far) rapiers and make them ‘fly’ and attack people without me even having to touch them.
I can do it with other weapons too, but I’m best with this particular weapon.
My drawback is temporary loss off colour, if I really overuse it will become permanent,”