Prologue: The Girl

“Masky... be careful what you say. He could be watching us.” Masky laughed and jokingly shoved Hoody slightly. “Don’t worry, Hoody! He told us he was patrolling with Jeff and EJ on the opposite side of the mansion. There’s apparently word of some trespassers.” Hoody raised his eyebrows under his hood.
“Trespassers? How come slender has to deal with them?” Masky shrugged. “Must be someone important or something. C’mon, we’re almost done. Just have to ramp around this corner and then head back.” Hoody nodded, and they continued walking forward.
They were about to turn back to the mansion, confident no one was around, when they heard a small voice. It sounded frail, like a cry for help almost.
“How close by is that do you think?” Hoody whispered to Masky. Masky shrugged. “We should probably go check it out, just in case.” They started heading through the trees, careful not to crack a branch or something. As they got closer, they could see three figures standing just a few yards in front of them. Masky and Hoody went behind a bush and quietly watched, waiting for their time to attack.
“So… are we going to camp or something?” A voice said. It was a small female. She seemed to have short dark brown hair, that barely went past her shoulders, and a small figure. It looks as if she hasn’t eaten for days. Masky almost pitied her as he saw the looks the two adults gave her, most likely her parents. One of them glared her down, while the other slowly backed up, reaching something from inside of his back pocket.
“Umm… what’s this about? Mom? What’s going on?”
The woman smiled. “You’re a demonic creature, honey. We’re just doing what’s best for you.” The girl’s eyes widened. Hoody and Masky continued watching in shock. She doesn’t look like a demon.
“I’m not a demon!” The girl shrieked, and then put her hands over her mouth as if she did something horrible. The woman gave her the death glare and slapped her across the cheek, almost knocking the frail girl backwards. “You better shut your mouth up, girl! Before anyone finds us.”
The girl nodded, and Masky felt enraged. How dare they treat her like that! There doesn’t even seem to be anything wrong with her at all. She’s just a poor girl.
He took a closer look. The man was now shuffling through the back of the silver pickup truck parked along the dirt path. The woman continued watching the girl with a close eye, whose legs were now shaking. It looked as if she was sweating out her insides.
“Mom…” she sighed, before screeching. Hoody gasped. Sharp and quick bolts of lightning escaped out of her palms, which sent her flying backwards. It just missed her mom, who stood there, all her rage emptying onto the poor little girl. “You dumbass! You could’ve killed me!” She yelled.
“I-I can’t control it.. I’m so sorry Mom…” The girl picked herself up and stood to look up at her so-called mother. The mother glared at her and kicked her to the ground. As the girl tried to get up, the lightning struck again. This time it almost hit Masky, and it burned the bush a little bit. Masky had to scooch in tighter to Hoody to make sure he wasn’t seen.
“Stay down you f*cking devil!” The woman cried. The girl had tears in her eyes, and she refused to look at her mother. Instead she looked at the bush she burnt up. Hoody saw her eyes. She had one gold eye, which was unusual on its own. The right eye, however, was all white and there was a scar going through it. She seemed to be blind in her one eye.
The man finally returned which a grin on his face. Hoody saw the gun he was clutching behind his back before the girl did. It was almost too late as the man pulled out the gun, shooting at his daughter. He didn’t seem to have good aim. The girl shrieked again, much louder than before. She tried to get up, but her mother continued kicking her down and stomping her foot on one of her legs. The man shot again, just hitting the side of her right leg, which was the one her mother was continuously abusing. Hoody gasped. The girl seemed helpless, despite her unusual ability.
Hoody thought wrong. Unable to control her power, it went against her parents, striking them each in the head. It was much better aim than her father had with his gun. The adults screamed and hit the ground, blood splattering from their skulls. One seemed most likely dead, while the other was gasping for air. The lightning kept striking the dead female, while the male took one last shot of his gun, pathetically missing.
The girl couldn’t get up, but she giggled and then started sniffling. Both her parents seemed dead right about now.
“We need to get her out of here! The cops might show up.” Hoody said. He was right. This was too much noise for any cop to ignore. They came out of the bushes and approached the girl. She tried to get up to run, but she yelped in pain.
“P-please… don’t hurt me… not like they did…” Hoody sighed. Masky smiled under his mask. “We won’t hurt you. We’re here to help you.” Masky picked the girl up, being careful not to touch her annihilated leg too much. The girl sighed and fainted in his arms. The stress and pressure must’ve been too much for her. And the pain of course.
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I would do 1 of my own, but it would be bad...