Save Me Wonderland

While dark clouds roll by,
Leaving the park to be clear of rain
There isn't that many stars out to count
For seventeen year old, Elisa to count them
Even though it's been past her cufew,
She didn't want to leave for home--
She wanted to stay,
And get lost
Into the sweet nothings of the night
Needed to be home,
Elisa stood from her swing and
Hurried across the field to the open gate
Just as soon as she past the slide,
She heard something that caught her attention--
The sound of a child's giggle
Snapping her head to the direction
Where she heard the sweet laughter,
She didn't see anyone--
Not even a child she thought
Made the noise in the first place
Surely, she had to have heard
All of this in her head
She was tired, exhausted--
Had to be in her head...
Elisa froze in her tracks,
Afraid as she thought
She was the only one
Sitting in the park
On a cold, dark, rainy night
It was late,
What child could possible be out here?
Elisa called out,
Not sure if she wanted a answer back
Elisa's heart was racing,
As the images from the horror movie,
"Children of the Corn"
Flashed in her mind
As it was a movie she watched recently with a friend
Could there be a child out here?
Watching me?
"I hear you!"
Elisa yelled, "Come out wherever you are!"
No response
Nothing but the whistling
Of the wind was all that was heard
Elisa quickly spun around,
Hoping to see anything
But the trees whose limbs
Danced gently with the wind
Elisa couldn't see far,
As the park lights
Only stretched inside the perimeter
Of the park itself
No outside light was there--
None that could lit partial of the dark woods
"Are you afraid?"
Called the voice of what
Sounded like a young girl
Elisa looked in every direction
Not seeing anyone
Was all Elisa could stutter out
Before she felt a tug on her dress
Turning around,
She looked down to see a young girl--
Dressed in a white datin dress
With black ballet flats
And blue ribbons that tied
At the end of her pig-tails
Her face was stained with dirt marks
And what bothered Elisa the most,
Was the foul smell that
Seemed to have lingered off the girl
"W-who are y-you...?"
Elisa questioned
"What are you doing out here so late?"
"Where are you parents?"
Elisa waited for an answer,
But instead,
The girl just turned on her heel
And walked off--
Heading for the woods
Elisa didn't understand her behavior,
But without another word,
She hurried off after her
"Hey! Wait!"
Elisa called after her
As soon as she entered the woods,
The little girl had vannished
Where did she go?
Elisa thought to herself
She couldn't have gone that far...
Looking back and forth
Between the lights from the park
And the darkness that lied ahead of her,
Elisa knew she had to find that young girl
As she felt the need she had too
Elisa slowly begin to
Make her way into the darkness
The light from the moon
Shone down on her
Making it easy for her to see a little
Of what lied ahead of her
"Little girl...?"
Elisa called out softly
No response
Elisa stopped by a large oak tree
And gazed around her surroundings
Elisa quickly spun around
And screamed--
Face-to-face she came with
Was the looks of a handsome boy--
His hair appeared darker than her blonde,
His eyes glistened in the moonlight,
And his clothes;
A cap fitted his head,
His white shirt was a button-down and long sleeved
Then there was his torn overalls
With what appeared to have stains on them
One thing that Elisa noticed,
The boy wore no shoes at all
The boy said
In a dark, hoarse voice
Elisa was stunned--
Too stunned by the looks of his clothing
As if he came out of a old-time movie
Was all Elisa could stutter
"Demetri. That was my name,
Before I died."
Elisa was afraid she heard him wrong
And just before she could respond,
Demetri turned and walked away
Not knowing to scream and run
Or to follow him,
Elisa felt the need to follow him
Maybe he would know about the little girl?
Elisa quickly took off after Demetri,
Following close behind him
As he led her to what appeared to be
A cemetery
A cemetery?
Elisa thought to herself
And just as if Demetri read her mind,
He spoken,
"This use to be Wonderland--
A place where us kids
Would come to, to play
Before they devoured us."
Elisa stood quiet,
Unsure of what she was to say
Or do at that moment
Surely she had to be dreaming all of this...
"W-w-who's they?"
Elisa stuttered
As Demetri turned to face her,
He pointed his finger--pointing behind Elisa
And just as soon as Elisa turned around,
There was the young girl--
Giggling as her eyes changed red,
Exposing her sharp teeth to Elisa
As it was time to feast.
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