1st Poem (dedicated to my best friend)

Roses are red
Violets are Blue
I don't care tho
I just miss you
I sent you a email
have you seen it yet?
or are you too busy
with the people you've met?
All my friends have left
First Logan, Then Jacob, Now you
I feel all alone
even tho that's not true
I feel all alone and
even tho I have other friends
you will be my only
best friend till the end
I wish this didn't have to end so soon
I have so many feelings I want to share with you
Because your kindness made me love you like a sister
I hope that you love me like a sister too
roses are red
violets are blue
I miss you
do you miss me too?
A/N: that was for my best friend that is in Italy. I miss her so much. if you liked this please tell me in the comments! and stupid qfeast says I have to have more words so the one after this is just a repeat so you don't have to read it
I Miss you - By RavenDaughterOfHades - For My best Friend in Italy
Roses are red
Violets are Blue
I don't care tho
I just miss you
I sent you a email
have you seen it yet?
or are you too busy
with the people you've met?
All my friends have left
First Logan, Then Jacob, Now you
I feel all alone
even tho that's not true
I feel all alone and
even tho I have other friends
you will be my only
best friend till the end
I wish this didn't have to end so soon
I have so many feelings I want to share with you
Because your kindness made me love you like a sister
I hope that you love me like a sister too
roses are red
violets are blue
I miss you
do you miss me too?
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