The Game Of Scorb

So I did a thingy. It include some fantrolls, but you know don't mind me!

published on July 27, 2016not completed

Not gone yet

You are now Kisyan and you are walking down the halls of your hive. Your server player has made it a complete mess. After Horsedad died, you were quite sad. After he became a sprite and could talk, you wish he stayed dead. He hasn't stopped nagging you about how imperfect you are. And then he flew away, refusing to help you.

Damn its been hard, a bit easier since you no longer have teams. You think that you just need to rest in your respite block.

You walk towards it, easily sliding the door open. You step inside and HOLY SHIT! You run to the dead body that laid in the middle of your block. Sticky burgundy blood covered your fingers. He hasn't been here long.

Cobalt tears slide down your face, dripping onto Kineri's face. You lean down, uniting your lips with his. Gog you've always wanted to do that, but never to revive him. You hope that this will work, that his dreamself isn't dead as well.

His body began to dissipate, turning into burgundy dust, before reforming into his body again. His gray skin unharmed, his burgundy blood still in his body. But the blood that stained the floor, your hands, clothes, and mouth was still there. And the clothes on his upper torso and legs remanined shredded.

He looked over at you, smiling as if nothing had happened. But you could see the seething anger and betrayal in his eyes

Kineri: hEy kIsyAn! nEvEr thOUght I wOUld sEE yOU In pErsOn!
Kisyan: You idiot....
Kineri: thAt's nOt vEry nIcE. nOw cOmE OvEr hErE And gIvE A tEndEr fIrst mEEtIng EmbrAcE.

His arms out stretched, inviting you to him. You practically floated into his arms, wrapping your arms around his stomach. He was significantly taller than you, even if you are a higher blood than him.

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Comments (9)

IM A KNIGHT OF LIFE aaaaaaaaaa
No, don't sorry me. d:¦
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on August 01, 2016
its a meme aaaaaaa
im srry
About Author
on August 01, 2016
..... What did I just witness? I'm dying squirtle.
About Author
on August 01, 2016
About Author
on August 01, 2016
About Author
on August 01, 2016
seeing anyone having my godtier is so rare im dyin squirtle,
About Author
on August 01, 2016
About Author
on August 01, 2016
About Author
on August 01, 2016
If there is anything you'd like to see in this story, let me know. I'd like to make sure you guys are pleased with the results of this story.

Also, post your ships! ¦:3
About Author
on July 27, 2016