The Truth

"Hun,why are you on the floor,you know how dirty the ground is" Said my mother and she picked me up off the floor and brang me back into our house.Now my mom is a genius,And I'm not trying to sound like I'm bragging for her,but it's true,she's invented so many cool things!Thats how we have this big home,but it's just the two of us,and ugh terrible horrible no good very bad and lazy boyfriend,Evan Ug lee,he didn't even do anything around our house except watch tv while drinking and eating potato chips,and as other teens like me would say:I hate him to the max.
I followed mom into the kitchen to see what she was making for dinner,it was tacos!
"Oh mom,I need to ask you something"
"What is it Hun?"
"Earlier today when I was walking to school me and liana discovered a house,it was nice,were gonna make it out little clubhouse I guess,and when I went to get a closer look,I ran,really
"Ummmm ok,good for you Hun?"
"Mom no,like I super speeded,I ran faster then the speed of light!"
"Yeah sure ok,go put your p.j's on dinners almost ready"
"Ugh,you don't ever understand me!"
And as I said that I stomped up the stairs to find my laptop vibrating,I opened it and I was getting a video chat request from my gramma Cate
"Gramma!,how are you?!"
"I'm good sweety,now I need to tell you something"
"What is it gramma?"
"Have you been acting strange lately?"
"Um it depends,what do you mean?"
"Like running super fast,Blowing a strong wind,controlling water"
I just looked at her and gasped
"I'll take that as a yes"
"Actually gramma I've only done one of those things which is super speed,what's happening to me"
"Sweets,your bionic,but I can't explain the rest of you,I leave that in the hands of Chiron"
But before I could ask what and who she was talking about,she signed off.I was furious,when i had finished getting dressed,I stomped down the stairs for dinner
"Hun don't stop your gonna break the stairs"
"Finally,your smart enough to figure out what I plan on doing"
"Hey don't talk to your mother that way demi squirt" said Evan Ugg lee
"Shut up Evan Ugly,you were never supposed to live in this family"
"THATS NO WAY TO TALK TO YOUR STEPFATHER" And before I could say anything,he slapped me across my face.Mother just stood there and gasped,I took my two tacos and ran into my room with tears falling down my red burning cheek
"Hun,what has gone into you",my mother was at the door to my room,I was packing luggage bags,and I had put my tacos into a ziplock bag.
"I found the truth,you created me,I was a mistake to you,so I'm doing what should be done"
"Sweety yes,your bionic,and your also much more then that"
"Mom I'm running away"
"OH,ok,but you can't run away without a suitcase",she came into my room and unpacked my bags,I got furious!Suddenly,lazers had came out of my eyes,and I had accidentally shot my mom with them.And to add to my problems,Evan came upstairs.
"LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE YOU STUPID CHILD!"Then the unexpected happened,Evan turned into a manticore,u ran downstairs and tried to run out the door,but liana had came
"HERE,PUT THIS ON!" She handed me a bracelet with cute little seashells on it.
"What help is this gonna provide?"
"Tap the big blue shell!",I tapped it,and it turned into a big shiny glowing sword,It said Alkaos on it.Out of nowhere,liana pulled out a knife and she started cursing in Ancient Greek!I couldn't believe my eyes!
"KILL THE BEAST WOTH YOUR SWORD!",and I slashed it in half,it turned into dust and disappeared.
"We have to get out of here before your mom wakes up"
"Uhh ok"
And that was it,Liana and i had started running towards the woods
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