
JeweledOwl812 is also my irl friend!
Let me say... I have NEVER, I repeat NEVER seen someone get 150+ followers so fast! It took me such a long time to get to 100! Keep it up! JeweledOwl812 is a TOTAL FANDOMER! Fandom+Fandom+Fandom+Fandom= JeweledOwl812!! She is also a GENIUS! (Not exaggerating) She's a pretty good artist and an AMAZING writer! Check out her story "A week in the life." It's SUPER interesting! Every time I log on to Qfeast, I think: "I hope there's more A Week in the Life! Please give her a follow! She ALWAYS follows back!
(Ouogy otogg toog hreeogt-undredogh ollowersogf! Ongratzogc!)
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