
I wish today was over people are getting on my last nerves right now. Everyone keeps on pointing and staring at me. I don't understand why but whatever its better than being at home. Although today wasn't all bad, there is this really... cute ... guy at school Jayde Nimu. But he's surely has a girlfriend already, and he's also way out of my lead. Then there is this bitch named Isku Nosaki. She acts sooooo perfect like really.
Mrs. Osaki: Ms.Tsniku please come up and introduce yourself.
Tsniku: Ummm, uh...uh...hi...m-m-my na-a-ame is T-t-ts-sniku A-aika.(ahem) Um...I-I-I-I like t-t-to draw.
(everyone laughs while she walks away)
Mrs. Osaki: (chuckles) Now now no need to be shy, no one will judge you.
(the bell rings and everyone leaves)
Time for lunch, finally I feel like its been days sence i've eaten. Of course, no open spots, just great. ill just go eat on the roof.
(Jayde and his friends are on the rooftop and walks up to Tsniku)
Jayden: Hey I saw you in class and you seemed lost. Do you need me to show you around tomarrow?
Tsniku: (blushing) Um.... ok thank you..! I didn't know you were in my class.
Jayde: Yeah, I sit right behind you. Don't you think Mrs. Osaki is such a b*tch sometimes?
Tsniku: Yeah at time's. But then again she has to deal with...some people.
Jayde: Hey I'll talk to you later. Nice meeting you.
Tsniku: Yeah, you too.
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