First Date

-"None of your business. Give it back" I yelled at him.
-"Ohh, is that your boyfriend? Eve got a boyfriend, Eve got a boyfriend. Na, na na" he ran away with drawing all around the house. I jumped off the bed and started chasing him. "He is not my boyfriend! Give me back the paper or I will break your leg and tell mom that I accidentally fell on you, you know how much mom trust me". Anyways, after he gave me back the drawing, I have not seen my brother that whole night.
I woke up early the next morning. I was having breakfast with my family, my mom was staring at me "Did you tell your brother that you will break his leg last night?" I gave my brother a look and then I answered "Yes, I've said that, but I was just kidding with him" my mom handled the bread to my brother "You know this is not a good joke" my mom said in her quiet voice. I replied immediately "Oh come on, you used to tell me that you will sell me to the neighbors if I don't behave".
I was sitting in the library, reading a book after I've waited about an hour for Allen to show up. He didn't. I read the words in the book, but I don’t get them, my head and thinking was totally out of that book. I reread the same page for like five times and I still didn't get it. I started cursing "Stupid book! Stupid words! stupid page! idiot author!!! rusted wires!! Lying dentist!!"
-"I get the first four curses but what does dog, rusted wires and lying dentist has to do with anything?" Allen said. I was sitting on the floor leaning my back to a wall, he was right next to me.
-"Allen! You scared me. Since when have you been sitting here?" I dropped my book and I had this dumb look in my face.
-"Just few minutes. That book did make you mad, hah?" Allen picked up the book.
-"No, it's just..I've lost my concentration and I couldn't get this page" I said while trying to fix my hair, I look like a witch who has just escaped a group of mad villagers who tried to burn her.
-"So…wanna go now?" Allen got up and reached for my hand.
-"Where?" I asked while getting up.
-"You'll see" Allen said while handing me my bag.
-"But I have to finish the book…"
-"The whole library is going to be here tomorrow, and after tomorrow, and probably until we finish school. You can read whenever you want, but now, let's go. Take a break from books" Allen smiled "Or let books take a break from you"
-"Okay, let me call my mom and tell her I might be late today" I said while reaching for my phone.
-"Are you serious?" Allen said with a dumb wondering look.
-"Yes, is there something wrong?"
-"Not at all, but you're not six years old..wait..are you??" Allen was making fun of me.
-"Unlike you, I have responsibilities in my life" I started calling my mom and I told her.
-"Okay, my car is outside, I'll be waiting for you" Allen said while leaving ahead.
I went outside in a rush trying to wear my bag, looking a total mess with my hair covering my eyes and glasses slipping….and …and….what?? oh my God! Allen was waiting for me outside leaning his back to a white Nissan with three letters written on the car, GTR. "Wow, is that your car?"
-"It's my father's" Allen said while opening the door for me "He let's me drive it whenever I want"
-"Thank you. I've never been into one of these" Awesome, Eve. Is that all you can say? You've never been into one of these? You look like you don't even know what a car is, stop being stopped.
-"What?" Allen asked while starting the engine.
-"Oh nothing I was just talking to myself"
We went to a restaurant away from school, there was no one I knew from the people around. "So.. u had lunch yet?" Allen asked while checking the menu. I was staring at his energetic movement, he looks like he wants to start running.
-"Oh, no, I hadn't" I was checking my clothes. Damn, why am I wearing my Nike shoes? I should've wore heels or something. Wow, am I worried about my look to Allen?
-"Okay, Good. What do you want to have?" Allen was calling the waitress.
-"Anything" I smiled at him.
After lunch, he were drinking cola and I started to get my money out of my bag. Allen stared with surprise "Are you serious? You're not going to pay for anything" He said while getting his wallet out.
-"Umm, no I want to pay" I insisted.
-"Wow, you really haven't been in a date before, have you?" Allen smiled "Have you ever seen girls pay on their dates?"
-"How am I supposed to know that? It's not like I just sit with strangers on their dates" I laughed.
-"Okay, if you were a guy and you took a girl on a date, would you let her pay for her own meal?" Allen was trying to be smart.
-"No… I would let her pay for mine, too." I called the waitress.
We started laughing and Allen stood up "Okay, let's get out of here. I wanna show you something" We went to the car again and went to an abandon factory next to a river. "What is this place?" I asked while looking at how huge and empty that place was.
-"This" Allen walked ahead to the factory "this is my secret place. I come here whenever I want to get away from people or whenever I'm feeling low"
The factory was scary from the inside but after sitting in it for few moments, it was quiet and peaceful. Allen was laying on the grass near the river. I came close and sat next to him. "You know, Eve, you remind me of someone" Allen said without looking at me. That was weird because Allen also reminded me someone from my childhood.
It was getting late. "I think I should go back home now" I said while standing up. "Oh yeah, we lost sense of time" Allen stood up and headed to the car. After Allen stopped in front of my house "Today was great" I said. I was nervous, I know what was the next step he would do. Allen leaned to me, I opened the door and was ready to get out. Allen sat back straight on his seat "I'm sorry, I thought…" awkward quietness in the car. Allen was disappointed. I am so stupid, every girl would have just kissed him, this is normal, why did I reject it like that? I don't know what to say or do now, he probably thinks I'm stupid now. "I didn't give you my number" I was trying to fix the situation. "Oh right" Allen said while reaching his phone. I gave him the number. "So.. would you like to go on another date with me tomorrow?" Allen managed to draw a smile back on his face. "Umm, sure" I stepped out of the car. "Goodnight, Allen" I made few steps and then Allen drove the car away "Sweet dreams, glasses girl"
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