Leave Me Alone

Olivia whimpered as the wolf inched closer. It took one look at the sleeping one month old in the stroller and made its decision as Olivia screamed. It ran at her and sank its teeth into her shoulder as everything went black.
“Livie?” I heard someone running towards me and sitting next to me. I looked up at who it was: Remus Lupin. I quickly stood up, wiping the tears off my cheeks. “Are you alright?” Remus asked.
“Oh, yeah!” I said. “I’m fine.” He shook his head.
“No, you are definitely not fine,” he said. “What happened?” I shook my head.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“If it’s this bad, you need to talk about it.” I glared at him.
“Is it any of your business what goes on in my life?” I growled. “No, it’s not. Now would you please leave me alone?” I pushed past him, my shoulder still burning, and walked towards the Transfiguration classroom. A stray tear rolled down my cheek as I walked into the empty classroom.
“Ah, Miss Lawson,” Professor McGonagall said as I walked in. She looked up at me from her desk. “Are you quite alright?” I took a deep breath.
“Relatively so,” I replied. “It’s hard to be okay on a day like this when it’s all anyone can talk about.” She nodded. “Is it ever going to get any better?” She paused.
“As a teacher, I must say that I’ve never had the experiences that you have, and I can’t empathise much, though I sympathise to no extent,” she said. “I can only say that Professor Dumbledore and myself wish to help you whenever you need it, just as we always have.” I nodded as the door opened and more students started filing in for Transfiguration.
“For the next couple weeks,” Professor Slughorn said as class came to a close, “you will be working on brewing the potion Amortentia.” He looked around at us. “Now, since this is such a difficult potion to make, I’ve assigned you partners. They consist of one Ravenclaw and one Gryffindor each.” He waved his wand at the board, and the list appeared:
Sirius Black Emily Hansen
James Potter Orla Diggle
Peter Pettigrew Xenophilius Lovegood
Remus Lupin Livie Lawson
I groaned. I had to be partnered with Remus Lupin, the guy who wouldn’t stop pestering me about why I was so upset, for the next two weeks? There was no way I was going to survive this!
“Looks like I couldn’t leave you alone even if I wanted to,” I heard. Speak of the devil. I looked at the boy who stood only a few feet to my right. I gestured to the seat next to me, and he sat down and sighed.
“I wanted to apologize,” he said. “I had no right to question you like that.” I nodded. “I just wanted--want--to help… if I can, that is.” I sighed.
“There’s nothing you can do,” I said. “It’s something that happened… a long time ago.” He looked confused.
“How long ago?”
“Ten years,” I said. I quickly added, “I think,” so that it wouldn’t seem suspicious that my problem happened ten years ago. He nodded.
“So it happened around the time of that werewolf attack no one can stop talking about?” I nodded, forcing a smile.
“Something like that.”
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