Create your own character!

Create your own character!

Want to write a book, a fanfiction or even a one-shot ? To do so, you have to create your characters! Here's a model of descriptive card of character. You can modify it as you feel like adding or deleting some elements. I hope this will help you design your characters and your future works. ^-^

published on May 29, 2015not completed


Names and ages of the parents:

Parents in couple or divorced, remarried:

Jobs of the parents (at birth and now):

Names and ages of siblings (half-brothers and half-sisters):

Character rank among siblings:

What are his relations with his parents:

What are his relations with his brothers and sisters:

Name and/or age of his partner:

What are his relations with his/her partner:

Names and ages of children:

What are his relations with his children:

Other family members (grandparents or uncle, aunt, cousins that have an important place in the story):
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Comments (5)

Tu peux parler le francais? Tu as dit 'Vetements?' oui?
(forgive me if my frnch is bad. I'm a grade 7 student)
Moi aussi, mais je ne suis pas vraiment bien... ^_^U et cette histoire est tres cool! Desolee, je n'ai pas les accents pour ces mots :/
Ah oui mais je utilise mon portable.
About Author
on July 22, 2015
Si tu utilise une oridinateur tu peux utiliser des accents.
About Author
on July 22, 2015
About Author
on July 22, 2015
Oops xD oui je parle français :')
About Author
on May 29, 2015
About Author
on May 29, 2015