Truth Or Dare..

As I walked down the empty halls I was starting to get worried, why would they want to talk to me? However as I made it out to the stones I could see a group of Gryffindors sat outside having a good time. I walked over quietly and as I did everyone stopped talking. I could see everyone now, Harry Potter, and his two minions. A couple of red haired twins and a red haired girl.
"She's here." One of Harry's minions says.
Harry introduces everyone and invites me to play truth or dare. I take the offer as maybe I could find someone out to use against them. I hate Gryffindors. They don't know that yet.
"Okay Grace truth or dare?" Hermione asks me, curiously.
"Dare." I say, it's better then getting all your secrets found out.
They all huddle together and whisper. I hear my name mentioned and as I sit there like an outcast I can't help wondering if they really want me here. After a long five minutes they sit back to where they were and look at me. Grins spread across each persons face. I guess it's going to be a good dare.
"Okay so the dare is.." Ron starts, trying to build up suspense. "You have to go around that corner and snog Fred."
I roll my eyes, do they really think I'm going to back out. The twins are quite cute, despite being Gryffindors. Fred stands up and I do the same. They all watch wide eyed as we walk round the corner together. When we get there I turn to face Fred.
"Who's idea was this?" I ask, whispering so the others can't hear.
"Well all the lads wanted to do it with you so we had to decide which one, it was kind,of the obvious dare." Fred whispers.
Before I can say anything else he grabs my waist and pulls my body against his. He is much taller than me so he has to bend down. Our lips touch gently, as the kiss gets going it becomes more passionate. I run a hand through his fiery hair and I can feel my lips getting warmer. He's a great kisser I'll give him that. We only break apart when we hear everybody shouting.
"Time up." I say, then I turn on my heel and join the rest of the group.
"Did you do it?" Ginny asked, her eyes as round as saucers.
"Yeah." Fred says, winking at me.
"My turn." I say, I look at each person in turn. "Hermione truth or dare?"
"Truth." She says, looking nervous.
"How does it feel to be a mudblood?" I ask, trying to get on her nerves.
I see her fingers flex and her face becomes angrier. She glares at me before answering.
"Don't call me that." She says, her voice aggressive.
"Or what? Mudblood." I say, smiling.
She reaches forward and slaps me across the face. I stand up and kick her over so she falls to her back. I kick her in the ribs and she grabs at my ankle. I don't stop though. I shove my foot onto her face making her nose spill blood. I grab her frizzy hair and pull as hard as I can before punching her in the stomach. She manages to stand up and she trips me over. I pull her to the floor with me and she claws at my face. I feel her rip my skin right near my eye. Warm, sticky blood trickles down my cheek. Feeling enraged I jump up and kick her and don't stop.
"What is going in here?" I hear Professor McGonagall asks.
I don't stop I don't even look up I just watch Hermione lay on the floor blood covering her clothes and the grass beneath her. However I feel a soft pair of arms wrap around my waist, they pull me away gently and then they scoop me up. When I look up I see Draco, he's smiling down at me. His eyes look caring and his smile isn't the smile he gave me earlier it's more gentle, warmer. I wrap my arms around his neck and press my head against his chest, I hear his heart beating and my eyes flutter shut.
I wake up, the first thing I see is Draco's face. He looks concerned, worried. He hasn't noticed I'm awake yet as he has his head in his hands. I quickly look around and I can tell I'm in the infirmary.
"Hey Draco." I say quietly, my voice sounds lost.
"You're okay! Do you remember everything that happened last night?" He asks me, his face flushing red.
"I remember you pulling me away and then carrying me. I wrapped my arms around your neck and then I fell asleep." I say, my memories a bit foggy.
"Okay." He says slightly disappointed. "I'm glad you beat the hell out of Hermione. The filthy little mudblood deserved it."
"Yeah she did." I say, pulling myself up.
"Grace there is something I need to tell you." Draco says, looking me in the eyes.
Im concerned at what he is about to say and he looks a little worried too. His eyes are shining but they look different like when a child is about to ask for something they know they won't get.
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