
"Let's name it... Shippou." Koji suggested. Michiko nodded. Koji reached down to touch the sword. "No! Don't... don't touch it." Michiko said. Koji jerked her hand back and looked scared. "That sword is really powerful I don't want you to get hurt." Michiko said. Michiko brushed her fingers through Koji's hair. "It's time that you go to bed."
"Okay." Koji said headed off to bed. Yukio came in and sat next to Michiko. "Sorry that you were dragged into this." He said. "What? No, it's fine." Michiko said. Yukio looked at the sword. "So, this is the sword."
"Shippou, Koji named it Shippou." Michiko smiled. "Yukio, what do you think? Should I be a demon or an angel?"
"I-I don't know." Yukio said. Michiko put her head in her hands. "Why am I such a freak?"
"Your not a freak."
"Then what am I? What am I Yukio?" Michiko asked. A tear ran down her face. "You're Michiko. The girl who can talk to wolves. The girl who is part demon and part angel. The prettiest girl that I ever met." Yukio said starring into her eyes. "How can such a freak like me be pretty?" Michiko asked. Yukio placed his hand on her cheek and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "I'm a freak too."
"No you're not, you're a demon. That doesn't make you a freak." Michiko said her face turning red. Yukio leaned in. "Am I interuppting?" Rin asked. Yukio pulled away and glared at his brother. "No."
"I was just going to bed. Goodnight Yukio. Goodnight Rin." Michiko said getting up. "Night Michiko."
"Goodnight Michiko." Rin said.
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