Laa-Laa is a yellow tubbybot with a very different appearance from the original Laa-Laa animatronic. The eyes seemingly turn on or off in some cameras. While moving, she makes moaning noises. When Laa-Laa gets into the office, her eyes have small, pin-pricked white pupils. Like the other repaired tubbybots, she has a lower jaw completely separate from the upper head. Laa-Laa starts on the Tubby Stage with Po 2.0. She will then leave to go to the Tubby Toilets, the Party Room, Dipsy's Arcade, or the Tubby Hall. When in the Tubby Hall there is a chance of Laa-Laa going in your office. If not fended off with the smoke machine quick enough, Laa-Laa will soon end up killing the player. Compared to the others, she appears more often but gives more time for the player to put up the smoke defense. If fended off, she will return to the Tubby Toilets.