Percy Jackson chat room

Percy Jackson chat room

This is what happened when the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus characters get a chat room.

published on October 26, 2014not completed

Chat 3

Chat 3 The_Oracle: Hi Annabeth.

Wise_Girl: Hi Rachel.

The_Oracle: I just saw a vision of Percy in danger!

Wise_Girl: Oh no  *sobs*

The_Oracle: He's at his school. Take Connor and Travis Stoll. You'll need them.

Mastermind_No1: somebody say my name??

Mastermind_No2: and mine.

Wise_Girl: Yes. You need to come with me to find Percy. He's in danger.

Mastermind_No1: okay.

Mastermind_No2: we'll be here as soon as possible.

This chat was terminated by The_Oracle.
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