Oliver Wood

"Looking forward to losing the Quidditch Cup again this year, Wood?" I ask. "It's only been, what, eleven years?" He sighs.
"I believe that you are thinking backwards, but how in the world could I be right?" he asks. "I mean, you are the Ravenclaw, Moran." I scoff and walk to the supplies. I grab gloves, Quidditch books, a couple of practice snitches, and walk to the broom section. I currently have a cleansweep 7, and my mom finally said I could get a new broom. She even said I could get the best racing broom: the Nimbus 2000. I take one off the rack and walk to the front to pay for all of my supplies.
When Oliver sees me pay for a Nimbus 2000, his face is priceless. His eyes are wide and his outh is agape. I smirk.
"Jealous?" I ask. He glares at me as I walk out the door. I walk to Madame Malkin's, get my robes, and walk to Forean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and get a Butter beer ice cream cone.
"Fancy seeing you here!" I hear a familiar voice say. I spin around, a smile on my face. I'm greeted by the smiling faces of Gred and Forge, the Weasley twins.
"Good to see you too, boys! God, you're taller than me now!" They laugh, and I sit across from them. "How was your summer, boys?" Fred shrugs.
"Alright," he says. "Lots of Quidditch, but nothing crazy. You?" I shrug.
"Same here." George shakes his head.
"And how many times did you read 'Quidditch Through the Ages' this summer?" My face goes red, and I smile.
"Only five." Hey laugh.
"Oh," Fred starts. "before we forget-"
"Mum says that you can come to our place for next summer if you want," George finishes. This brings a smile to my face.
"That sounds great! Speaking of your family, isn't Ronald coming to Hogwarts this year?" They nod simultaneously. "I wonder what house he's gonna be in," I say sarcastically. We laugh. After about an hour of talking, I hear the door to the shop open. I look at the door and immediately grimace. Wood. I look at the twins.
"Hey, I should probably go," I say. "My mum's probably wondering where I am." They look at Wood and nod. "Bye guys."
"See ya' later, Em!" they say. I walk out of the shop, avoiding Wood's gaze.
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