Chapter 1: History of the Forsaken

Suddenly though a new race was born, a race of people who were born with the ability to create their own fire, people who were naturally drawn to fire, they were later nicknamed the forsaken. Society was told by its leader to chase these new people out of their civilization, their own kids, they were told to shun and chase away, but the people followed his lead and chased these new people away, up a mountain to live or die, without them having to worry about what was coming to get them. As in the people who pushed them away.
On their mountain they flourished, they made their own civilization and language, but the regular people began to fear them, more and more they worried that these forsaken would cause more catastrophes, they decided to learn their language and infiltrate them, sedate them, and then lock them away so they could do no damage to anyone. Three fourth of their plan worked successfully. They infiltrated the forsaken and slowly but surely they sedated the people and took them off the mountain, but some people has seen what was happening and started to flee, those that left soon enough got away, sadly a family who were in charge of running the forsaken at that time had to stay behind for a couple of days, because the first pureblood child had gone missing, and not just any child, their own child.
It happened that they found their child at the same time the regular people moved in, the father was shot in front of the child and mother, when the mother ran and hid herself and the child, she couldn’t quite the child and soon the regular people found them and shot the mom and took the child away to laboratories to experiment on him. As it happened, this child was a new start for the forsaken, as they could not reproduce unless it was with a regular human, and they tried their hardest to bring the young forsaken boy back, but all rescue attempts failed with more of the forsaken getting captured.
After learning what her father had done the presidents daughter, granddaughter of the first president, left against her fathers will to go see the child that humanity had “saved” from the ferocious forsaken. She didn’t know at that time the cruel things they were doing to the boy, or the fact that she would end up taking the boy back with her.
The young woman arrived with bags under her eyes, she walked slowly out of the plane, and looked at the stunning mountain that rose up tall above her, it had been four years since she had originally learned of her fathers plan for a pure blooded forsaken child they had found on this mountain, she stretched and contemplated getting back on the plane before it left, she was sure that the plane wasn’t coming back for three years, but she didn’t care it would give her enough time to talk to some of the forsaken and maybe even meet the young boy.
She grabbed her suitcase and lifted it behind her shoulder and walked towards the large compound that looked as magnificent as the mountain, only more artificial. As she neared the building a young man ran out to meet her, she stopped and waited for the man to get closer.
“Are you Susan McKinn, the presidents daughter?” The man looked impatiently at her awaiting the answer.
“Why yes I am,” Susan held up her I.D badge that her father had finally allowed to be given to her. “I am here to meet that young boy you found, I hear it’s been four years since then, can I please enter now.”
“Right this way.” The man motioned her to follow him which Susan did without hesitation, as Susan looked around she saw a group of eight people being led by gunpoint to a military issued van.
“Who are those people?” Susan stopped and awaited the man’s answer.
“They are forsaken’s who broke into this compound trying to get back the boy.” The man let out a quick smirk and covered it with a cough, “if that troublesome seven year old is good for anything it is attracting other forsaken’s.”
Susan followed the small group as they disappeared into the vehicle, she looked back to see her escort walking away, Susan started running after him. Once he was within walking distance Susan slowed down to a trot, she didn’t notice that he had stopped until she ran into him.
“Why have you stopped,” Susan demanded mad that she ran into him.
“We can’t enter right now, we have to wait about ten more minutes, would you like a tour around the facility?” Susan could hear that he was not asking he was telling.
“Why can’t we enter the facility. I am going in now and if you or anyone else has any objections then you can take it up with my father.” Susan marched to the door and opened it with a huff, her escort stood behind her with his hands over his ears, under closer inspection she could see some tears coming from his eyes.
She entered with her reluctant escort behind her, the place smelled like an old hospital, only that isn’t what stuck Susan, it was the blood curtailing scream that came from down the hall that was opposite the door she just entered through. Susan didn’t know what was happening until she was at the door where the scream came from, she felt the presence of her escort a little ways behind her, she yanked open the door that stood between her and the newest scream.
As soon as Susan opened the door she knew that the things she saw would always be imprinted in her memory. She took a wide look around the room, ten scientists with headphones on sitting at a control panel, a wide window that was being used to look into the other room, a door in the corner to enter and exit the other room, and the door she had entered.
She ran over to the scientists and ripped off their headphones right as another scream sounded.
“What the hell do you think your doing?” Susan was screaming at the top of her lungs while tears started streaming down her face.
All the scientists turned to face her, she stood her ground though, like a bull facing off against a group of hungry tigers.
“Who gave you the authority to enter this room!?!?!” One of the scruffier scientists barked.
Susan looked through the window ignoring the question, what she saw broke her heart, a young boy approximately six, strapped to a chair with wires stuck to his head and three or four other people in the room monitoring him, she could hear her escort behind her telling the men who she was, she turned to face the men again, she felt the tears streaming down her face and the anger swell in her chest.
Instead of saying anything though she ran to the door that would let her enter the room and pushed it open, as soon as she was in she ran over to the boy and took the wires off him, one of the people who was monitoring the boy tried to stop her but that just earned him a slap on the face.
Everything seemed to stop as she finished unstrapping the boy, she lifted him up and hugged him against her chest, Susan looked at the men with the deadliest glance she could muster, some of them cringed.
Susan still holding the boy walked out of the room into the observation type room, the boy was sleeping and looked peaceful, she couldn’t bear to think anymore of what these people had been doing. She looked at the young boy and noticed that his hair was pitch black, he also had some kind of marking under his eye and one on his arm.
“Ms. McKinn please put the boy down,” her escort asked in earnest. But all that accomplished was her dropping her fifty pound bag on his toes.
“If anyone needs me I will be around back,” with that Susan left the room and walked out the front doors, she noticed that the plane was still there and contemplated getting on it with the boy in tow, and leaving this hell hole, but Susan knew if she left then she couldn’t accomplish anything. She found a tree that was at the farthest corner in the back of the building and sat down in the shade.
No matter how tired Susan was she was determined not to hand the boy back over to those people. She felt the boy shift and slowly she saw him opening his eyes, she was completely blown away by the color, one of his eyes was pure crimson while the other was equal in crimson but it had some orange, something that Susan, no nobody, was sure to have ever seen.
“Oh your awake? I’m so sorry, did I wake you?” Susan slowly let the boy go as he slowly struggled to get out of her arms, as soon as he was free of her grasp he looked around as if stunned.
“W…who…who are you?” The boy seemed timid and frightened, his voice seemed pretty out of use, making the boy struggle for words.
“My name is Susan McKinn, I came here just to meet you, but when I found you they were doing horrible things to you, my father has given me permission to take care of you for three years.” Susan smiled at the timid boy, “So whats your name?”
“I… I’m Shane,” The boy seemed wary, but at the same time Susan could see intelligence hidden behind his thin frame.
“Well Shane, I’m going to be watching over you, is their anything you want or need?”
“Not really…” Shane looked away past the building to the mountain stretching way above their heads.
Susan could easily tell this boy wanted to return to the place that he called home, she grabbed his arm and brought him to her.
“I’m so sorry you have been treated like this, if I had been allowed to come earlier I would of made sure that nothing ever happened to you.” Susan could feel the boys body shake. “Come on, lets go back inside and I will buy you something to eat, I heard they have a marvelous cafeteria here, I will get you anything you want.”
Shane looked at her with the utmost curiosity, and then he slowly nodded. Susan stood up and offered her hand to Shane, he slowly took her hand and they slowly walked back to the building, Susan looked down to see the boys hand still attached to her own. Susan led him into the building, the boy immediately stopped and took a long look around, he seemed to have never seen this place in detail before.
“Come now this way,” Susan slowly tugged Shanes’ hand to lead him in the right direction. He walked with her, he seemed to struggle to keep her pace so Susan slowed down to his pace.
“Oh Ms. McKinn, what are you doing here?” Susan turned to see her guide holding her bag and looking like nothing ever happened.
“What are you here to stop me?” Susan then noticed that Shane had hidden himself behind her and was using her as his shield.
“No, we cleared the reason for you visit with your father, I’m here to show you to your room, make sure to keep the boy with you though, oh, and if he gets into trouble or hurt it will all be on you.” The guide turned to lead her and Shane to where they would be staying for the next three years.
“I just hope you know, now that I’m in charge of Shane you aren’t allowed to do anything to him.”
The guide instantly stopped on hearing what she said, “Wait he talked, to you, he hasn’t said a word since we brought him here, he would either cry or scream.”
“Well just a woman's intuition here but I think he doesn’t like you guys.” Susan pulled the boy from behind her, she lifted him up, no matter how much he struggled she held onto him.
“Wait so his name is Shane, we’ve been waiting four years to learn his name…wow look at his eyes, he has never looked anyone in the eyes on the rare occasions that he did open them.” A scientist had come from behind Susan’s guide.
Next thing that Susan knew both men where on the ground covering their ears, Susan looked from the men to the boy. He seemed to be screaming, Susan looked at him and with the nicest look she could must knocked the boy unconscious, as soon as he was sleeping the two men recovered and looked from the boy to her and back.
“How did that not effect you?” The scientist asked staggering back to his feet, “I mean that was a ear piercing scream.”
“Shane must not of wanted me to suffer as much as he wanted to cause you pain, and I totally understand his reasoning.” Susan hefted the boy higher up in her arms and felt his arms on her back. She smiled to herself, she wondered if this is what it felt like to be a mother, but suddenly she was heartbroken, she understood the joy of what it would be like to be a parent but holding Shane she knew that his parents would never hold him like this, she felt responsible for what happened to the poor boy. Was it strange to take this boy home, knowing that if she did he was even less likely to see his parents.
Susan asked her guide the way to her room and without waiting for him left to get there on her own. She looked down at the sleeping child pondering how her father would respond when she said that since she couldn’t have children she wanted this one instead, the one and only child she would ever want, the one with black hair, and crimson eyes.
Actually the thought made Susan smile more and more because she knew that no matter how her father treated her she could talk him into anything. Even if this meant she would have to agree to his terms and marry a man of his choosing, but to Susan this would be worth the long term standing, as long as she had this boy life would be livable, no matter how much she would have to go through.
Susan got to her room and unlocked the door with the tag her dad gave her, the master key to this facility. She entered to see the place was it’s own mansion, a grand staircase leading to a small room upstairs and an almost invisible staircase leading to who-knows-where in the corner, and the main room itself was magnificent, it had a large kitchen, a bathroom off to the side of the living room where Susan was currently standing, in the living room there was a fifty-two inch flat screen television, a large black leather couch and rocking chair, there was a book and dvd rack off to one side of the room.
To Susan this place was the first flammable one she had been in since all the great fires, she went and laid the boy out on the rocking chair, she walked to the upstairs room, she entered and saw a window with a beautiful view of the mountain, it also had it’s own bathroom, a queen sized bed, and a small potted tree along with a small couch next to the window.
After taking a long enough time inspecting the room Susan went downstairs to check out the lower room, after walking in Susan knew exactly what this room was meant for. She closed the door and locked it, she never wanted to enter that room again.
The room had been painted black to give it a sense of confinement, it had no windows and no bathroom, the bed was a small inflatable thing and there were wires to hook up to whoever slept in the bed.
Susan walked back upstairs determined to never let Shane see that room, when she reached she saw that the boy was sitting up, his eyes were open and he seemed a little dazed, Susan reached him and sat next to him.
“Where am I?” Shane slowly looked around his body shaking like a scared puppy, he turned towards Susan and she saw that his eyes showed more than confusion they showed pure terror.
“Don’t worry, you are safe, in fact this is where we are going to be living for three years. Shane looked at Susan like she was crazy.
“But aren’t the scientist guys going to get made at you, they get mad at me all the time.” Shane looked sad and tired, like he was beaten and never treated kindly.
“No, because if they get mad at me I will just use my super powers,” with this Susan positioned herself in a superman pose and started making whooshing sounds. Shane let out a small laugh and Susan knew she had won. “Well know, you know my secret tell me one of yours, on that’s not to obvious though, I know a lot about you already.”
“But you never told me a secret,” Shane said stubbornly.
“Okay fine then… how about the fact that I’m the presidents daughter, and because I’m his daughter I get to take care of you. If I wasn’t I would be hauled out of here faster then you can say Bacon Cheese Burger.” Susan smiled at Shane and he just looked at her with awe.
“Okay then, um. I was brought here when I was three. I don’t remember a lot of my past, they keep me locked away in a dark room when they aren’t doing experiments on me. I never talk to them so you are actually the first person I talked to, I am a pure-blood forsaken. My mother sealed away my powers, I can remember that much. I have weird red markings under both of my eyes, I have another weird marking on my right arm to go along with it, but I manage to keep the ‘scientists’ from researching them.” Shane said this all so nonchalantly that Susan's heart was broken.
“Anything else that you would like me to know about you.”
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