Old Flames

"Look who I get the pleasure of meeting again. The Winged Beast and Binged Horn." Mado said smiling and opening his suitcase. A green scorpion tailed kagune appeared out of the kagune ready to attack us. The kagune, I knew who it used to belong to. Derek was a good friend with that kagune. He went missing. Guess, I know where he went now.
"Actually, we were just leaving." I ordered holding Hiro tight as my kagune opened wide. Hiro was not like Makayla with his kagune. Makayla used her kagune on strong enemies while Hiro uses it whenever he pleases.
"I do not think so. Why don't you stay and tell me about your friend?" Mado seemed curious over something.
"Friend? Who?" Hiro slowly asked standing in front of me. Due to the act of maybe getting caught, Hiro and I talked in different voices. Apparently, humans aren't the brightest things.
"The Red Death. I saw the girl. Sadly, we missed her." Mado clinching on his stolen kagune. Why does everyone know this girl but me?
"I have no idea who she is, but you could inform me." I suggested trying to distract Mado.
"Or I can kill you and steal your kagune to kill the Red Death. Sounds good to me." Mado ordered shooting the green scorpion kagune at me. With my kagune wings, I grabbed Hiro and jumped out of the way. My promise to Makayla was more important than killing a ignorant cop. The promise I made to Makayla was if anything ever happened to Makayla that I would protect Hiro.
"I don't have time for you." I ordered crystallizing my kagune while shooting large spikes aiming at Mado. The scorpion tail hit the crystal shards out of the way while Mado just thought the battle was easy. What do I do? I need to get Hiro away like I promised. Standing in front of Mado, I pulled Hiro behind me and got ready to fight. Suddenly, of all people, I saw a woman kick the scorpion tail in half. The Red Death stood in between Mado and us with a dark atmosphere surrounded around her.
"It appears the kagune was too weak. No worry there are more of us." Mado mentioned while throwing the ruined suitcase on the ground. More cops hurried towards us.
"Let's go. The kid looks hurt." The Red Death mentioned glared at Hiro. When I looked back, it appeared Hiro's shirt got cut with his arm bleeding a little. Even though he would heal in a few second, something made me realize she cared about kids. Maybe, she had a sibling she cared about. Spreading my kagune, I held Hiro tight as we flew away. The Red Death followed behind us making sure none of the cops' attacks hit Hiro and me.
"Aidan, we should take her. She is so sweet." Hiro smiled as he looked back at the Red Death. His red eyes sparkled as he glimpsed back at her. Hiro's eyes have not sparkled like that since his sister left. Maybe, the girl made him feel like his sister was still with him.
"Hey, Red Death. We did not need your help." I said stopping on top of a building and taking my mask off.
"I did not do it for you." Red Death stared at Hiro kind of caring but still the dark atmosphere still surrounded her. What was so dark about this girl?
"Well again, thank you!" Hiro walked up to her and said with his mask in his hand. Any one can notice that she seemed quite shock to see him. Her ghoul eyes darted at the necklace around his neck.
"That necklace.." Red Death slowly uttered.
Grabbing his necklace, Hiro happily commented, "Yeah, my sister gave it to me. It makes me feel like she is with me even though she isn't." The Red Death turned around from Hiro and me and run away. Maybe, Hiro said something that broke her. Could explain that dark atmosphere, but I do not understand women at all. Watching her leave, I felt my heart ache like I had seen this scene before. Her beautiful dark red hair reminded me so much of Makayla. The day she left.
Remembering old memories, I felt my hip vibrate from my phone. Pulling it out, a text message from the King's right hand man, Roman, text me. Makayla was the King's right hand, but since no one has seen her, Roman took the place. The King misses her being by his side from what he acts like. Reading the text message, it said, "New Orders from the King..."
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