#2 - Just Saying - Luke Imagine

Today was the same. Luke is still pining over his best friend, Lucy. She has a boyfriend, but Luke hates him. He wants to be with her, so he finds every fault he can with her boyfriend, then he rants about it to someone. That someone is me.
I haven’t been friends with Luke for long, but I’ve honestly fallen for him. It’s hard to watch him crushing on Lucy, but he needs someone to talk to, and I wouldn't be able to stand it being someone else. I’ve ended up being the one Luke tells about how he feels about Lucy’s boyfriend. I hate how much he loves her, I hate it so much. They’d be awful together. He should be with me.
- Day 10 -
Luke doesn't know, but Lucy likes him back. She’s planning on breaking up with her boyfriend for him. That can’t happen, it just can’t. But I can’t do anything.
- Day 11 -
Luke’s writing a song for her. He’s going to tell her how he feels in the way of a song. It is a great idea, but I can’t stand the thought of it. Because I know that when Luke sings the song for Lucy, she’ll fall for him even more, and they’ll end up together. Luke might even forget about me. I can’t let this happen.
- Day 13 -
Luke is singing the song for her today. He’s going to go to her house in the evening, when her boyfriend will definitely be there. And he’s taking me with him.
The song is called Just Saying. He wants me there for ‘support’ and to say a line, in the background, I guess.
I’ve got to act like I don’t care. Today is the day things will fall apart, but I can’t let it show. I have to pretend nothing’s wrong, for Luke. I would do anything for him.
What I have to do is listen to Luke, watch Lucy’s reaction, and when Luke sings ‘You know I’d never do that’ I have to say, ‘He would never do that!’
I know it’s going to be hard to hold in the tears, but I have to. No one can know how I feel.
I just wish it was me Luke fell for. I wish it was me he wrote this song for. I wish it was me who will end up with Luke by the end of the day. But of course, it could never be me. Luke will never see me as more than a friend, the girl who helped him once.
One of Luke’s friends, Calum, will be there too. I’d hope for support from him, but of course, I’m just the girl no one really likes. He probably won’t even notice I’m there. No one will.
I don’t think it actually matters if I break down in front of everyone. They won’t care.
- Day 14 -
Yesterday was the worst day of my life. I arrived, Luke got ready, he sang the song, Lucy came out, she loved the song, she told him that she loved him too. She didn't notice me. I did start to cry, quietly. Calum just gave me a strange look. I glanced at the boy I thought I would do anything for – and I couldn't. I just turned and walked away.
I don’t know what to do. I have probably lost my only friend. I don’t have any reason to live. My life has fallen apart, and so have I. I’ll think about it.
- Day 19 -
I didn't know she liked me. I wish I did know, so I didn’t have to put her through that. I had no idea that she was dying within. I should have known. I could have made things better for her. I could have introduced her to Michael, Calum and Ashton. They would have loved her like I did. Maybe one of them would have loved her as more than a friend – like I never did. One of them could have made her feel wanted. Things could have gotten so much better for her. But I was so obsessed with Lucy that I didn't realise. I cam’t believe I did that to her. She’s gone because of me. Maybe I never liked her as more than a friend. I should have. I should have done something to change what was happening. But I didn't.
I regret this. I shouldn't have gone after Lucy when I had her in front of me, willing to be with me. Yeah, I love Lucy, and Lucy loves me, but her...
I have to fix this, even though she’s gone. Maybe I’ll follow her - I’d do almost anything to be with her again.
I wish I could change this. I wish I loved her like I should have – the way she wanted me to…
- Luke
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