Wolves: the dangerous game 2.0

Wolves: the dangerous game 2.0

A wolf sent on a simple mission. Or so he thought. But will he see it through alive... This is actually a modified version of an older version of the story I did. It’s not finished but it’s a work in progress. Please let me know what y’all think!

published on November 24, 2020not completed

Chapter 1

   (Dream sequence begins) Corporal Jake Porter: United States
   Marine Corps Black Operations mission; Falcon down: West downtown Volgograd: 2022: 14:27 a.m.: You just secured the perimeter from terrorist militia forces. Your friend Jeff comes up to you after a while of scanning the streets. “You ok? You look tired,” He says. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that; I feel like we’re not alone.” “Look, after this we can...” You see a flash on one of the roofs. “GET DOWN!” You throw yourself on him, forcing him to the ground. “SNIPER! ON THE ROOF!” You hear Jeff moaning and you and see that he’s been shot. “We’ve got a man down over here!” You drag Jeff to a nearby crate. “Carolson, do you have eyes on the shooter?” “Aye, Staff Sergeant! East building twelve o’clock, up high!” “You heard ‘em Porter! Get over here and take the shot!” “Aye, Staff Sergeant! Cover me,” you yell as you run to the wall the others are hiding behind. Your colleagues open fire on the snipers position. You pull out your sniper in no time at all, and you rest your cheek against the cold, metal stock of the gun; you close your left eye, and in seconds put the face of the shooter in the cross hairs of the scope. With your finger on the trigger you pull back and immediately the head disappears from your vision. “Nice shot!” Just then, men come flooding through the streets. “We’ve got more incoming!” You run over to grab an unmanned LMG and start firing at the oncoming army. You know you’ll be overrun soon. Bullets are flying everywhere around you as you give your colleagues covering fire. The Staff Sergeant runs over to you. “Porter! We’ve got to get out of here, now!” “Aye Staff Sergeant!” You nod and pick up Jeff’s body and follow the rest of the squad. “Alright, move! We got to get out of here,” he yells to the rest of

     his men. Just then you hear an RPG fire and hit a nearby building thats beginning to crumble. You turn to see the building begin toppling your way. “RUN!” You yell as the squad turns to see. You run as fast as you can, but it’s harder to run with someone on your back. Staff Sergeant Mitchell runs back and helps you carry your fallen brother. You hear yells and screams behind you and suddenly, everything goes black. (Dream sequence ends) You wake up with a start. It’s about 4:00 in the morning, but you guess you can’t go back to sleep anyway. Your Smartphone vibrates on the nightstand. You pick it up and answer it. “Hello?” “Jake, it’s Captain Williams. You need to get over here immediately. You need to report to the usual rendezvous point.” “Is something wrong sir?” “Well, yes, you know the drill. Go to the range so nobody suspicious follows you, and from there you will meet up with another agent who will drive you to the ‘Cedar Tree Café’. I will brief you there. Is that understood?” “Aye sir.” “Don’t be late.” He hangs up.

    You get in your car and sure enough, as you pass a nearby
Walmart, someone pulls out of the lot and starts shadowing you. You speed up a little more and turn into the parking lot to the shooting range. The person behind you slowly gets out of the car, but keeps his distance as you walk into the range. You walk inside and head to range 12. “Hey, Jim,” you say as you walk over to his booth. “Hey! You ready to shoot?” “Oh yeah, letsv.” You start loading your 45 cal. Beretta. “I’m being followed.” You say still looking down as you load your pistol and slide the magazine into the gun to chamber it. “You know by whom?” You aim downrange so not to raise suspicions. “The wolf in the

   black shirt, he has a white tail.” He leans over takes a quick glance at the door where the wolf is entering the building. “See him?” You ask still aiming down range. “Yep.” You fire at the target down range and hit it dead center. “Did he see you?” “No.” He goes back to shooting as well. “I had another dream of Mitchell last night. I’m going to find him, I won’t stop until I do.” “I know.” A little while after shooting, Jim gestures to the back door with his head. You nod, pack your things and follow him to the back where a black car is parked. The sun is rising in the distance. You get into the shotgun seat and pull out of the parking lot before the stalker can see. “So what’s this all about anyway?” “Um, I think Captain Williams is going to brief you, so I have no idea.” “Got it.” “You know, many people would do anything to get the kind of job you have. You’re lucky, you know that?” “That’s because they don’t know how hard it is. The only way I’m lucky is that I’m still alive.” “Still, you have a better job than most.” “You know what’s funny, is I would have said the exact same thing if I were in your shoes. Most of the field agents would, but we know what it’s like when you step out that door into the drop ship. It’s a feeling only field agents have. We know we could die, but we want to keep doing it anyway. We love the danger as if we were born for it. There are certain people who can handle the stress, and they’re the people who feel so much like giving up, to just go home, to have a family and be done with it, but they just can’t. The adrenaline and the thrill of danger is just too much to leave and live a normal life. Once you’re in, there’s no turning back.” He stops the car about 8 miles later. You get out.

   Rain pours at the bottom of the hill. You make your way up to
the top where the “Cedar Tree Café” awaits you. You walk inside.

   You walk up to the counter. “I’ll have a cup of coffee, please,”
You say as you lay a dollar on the table. “Alright, would you like sugar with that?” The coyote behind the counter asks. ”Uh, yes please,” You reply. “Coming right up. Please, have a seat.” You walk over to a table with a grey coyote sitting at it. “Hey, Shaun! How are you,” You ask. “Oh, hey! I’m fine, take a seat!” You start a meaningful conversation while the coyote walks over with a tray. “Thanks, James,” you say, as he gives you your coffee. “You’re welcome, enjoy!” Just then, a rough looking wolf enters the room. The music and talking stop. You notice all of the other wolves and coyotes seem a bit on edge at this wolf’s arrival. “Who’s that?” you ask Shaun. “That’s Thrasher,” he whispers. “Who?” “Thrasher, He’s the most dangerous wolf around! He’s not in prison yet, because he’s been bribing guards and what not. And he’s a bounty hunter,” He responds. “Well shouldn’t the guards have more integrity than that? And where are the police in all of this?” “Well, the police haven’t technically found anything wrong with him because nobody will spill the beans weather it’s for being paid, or in fear of being one of his victims. They want to find a reason to catch him more than anyone. It’s pretty well known the authorities don’t like scum bags and assassins doing their job just for them, especially if it’s just for the money. As for the guards, it’s hard for them to even make money, let alone practically have it handed over to them. So when some really rich guy comes knock’en at their

front door offering $20,000 more than they already make just to keep quiet, they’re probably going to keep their mouth shut.” “Well wouldn’t they have to take out anyone that knows and or has seen something?” “Not necessarily. All they have to do is just alert whoever is a witness and he’ll take care of the rest.” “So you’re saying they’re getting innocent people killed for money?” “I see your point, but all the money just to say something is pretty tempting. I know I would do it, wouldn’t you?” “No, I wouldn’t. Because unlike you, and those guards, I have Christian morals I need to follow, and being truthful and faithful to my country, is one of them.” “Whatever, I would way rather have more money than that moral crap you’re talki’n about.” Thrasher begins to walk up to the counter, but then notices you. He looks skeptical for a moment then begins to walk toward your table. “You’re not afraid of me, are you kid?” He says. “I certainly am!” Shaun replies. “Shut up you idiot! I was talk’n to him,” He says fiercely. “Why should I be? You seem like a nice guy,” You reply, and sip your coffee, as Shaun shakes his head and clearly mouths “no”. Everything goes quiet. Then, he bursts into laughter. “Ha, ha! Oh, I like you!” He says and slaps you on the back while trying to hold back tears. “The name’s Kris,” He says as he thrusts out his hand. “Jake,” You reply, and shake it. “It’s a pleasure to meet ya, Jake.” “The pleasure is all mine,” You reply. “I think we’ll turn out to be good friends one day.” He walks away still chuckling and quoting to himself. You watch him as he walks up to the counter and says something to James. Then you see James pour two glasses of something and lay one of the glasses on the table and bring the other to you. “Wow, you just made friends with a bounty hunter, never seen that before” He says. “So I’ve heard,”

you reply. “Don’t count this friendship to last forever, though. Remember, he is still a bounty hunter, and VERY dangerous at that. He won’t let anything or anyone for that matter get between him and his prize. Even if it means taking out even his closest of friends. Be careful, Jake.” “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.”

After James goes back to the counter, you get up from your seat.
“Sorry, I have to go,” you say. “That’s fine, see you later.” You walk up to the counter. “I’ll have the Chef’s special, please.” “I’m sorry we are all out of that.” “That’s fine. Just let me know when you have some in stock.” “You know what, we might have some in the back. Come with me.” You walk behind the counter and follow him into the kitchen. “ Captain Williams is waiting for you,” He says. “You better hurry down there.” “Trust me, I’ve been through worse.” “Alright, I’ll take your word for it.” He leads you to a retinal-scan where you scan your eyes. After you do, a door opens leading to a hidden spiral staircase in the floor. You walk down and enter a dimly lit hallway. You turn on the lights and walk down to an iron door and type in a code into a computer. After you’re in, a lady at the desk asks for your name. “Jake Porter,” you answer. “Welcome back, agent Wolf.” She says and presses a button that opens yet another door to an elevator. You walk inside, and press level “X” where it takes you down to the main floor’s lobby. The doors slide open, and you step out into a large, white room. Then, a coyote walks up to you. “Agent Wolf, We’ve been expecting you,” she says as she walks beside you. “I know,” you say as you keep on walking. “Captain Williams would like to brief you on your next mission.” “Tell him I’m on my way,” You reply. As you walk

past the Wanted & M.I.A. signs, you stop and look. “Shadow’s still missing,” You ask aloud. “Yeah, he’s been missing for some time now,” Someone beside you says. “When are we gonna get him back?” “That’s what we’re all wondering,” He replies. You turn and give him a small smile and head over to the “Missions Briefing” room where the Captain Williams is awaiting your arrival. The Captain is standing with his back turned when you enter the room, but turns around when he hears you enter. “Finally, it’s about time you decided to show up!” He says in a tone that clearly states “Let’s get this show moving”. ”Sorry I’m late, sir,” You say. “Oh, don’t apologize! You probably just needed a drink or something,” He says in a sarcastic tone. “Let’s just cut to the chase.” “What am I doing this time,” You ask. “Well, I’m glad you asked. They are two keys, but don’t underestimate them. Together, they do great damage to whatever they are used on. They are the key to using a great weapon no one but the creators and Indecite know about.” “Permission to speak freely?” “I’ve already told you, this isn’t the military, you don’t have to ask permission to ask or say anything. It really does become quite bothersome when you ask that all the time.” “Sorry, old habits die hard I guess.” “Yes, I suppose so.” “Anyway, where is Indecite in all of this?” “Well, we have info that leads us to know that Indecite is the mastermind behind the creation, they just hired another team to actually do the work, in case they’re found out.” “I’m confused, if Indecite has hired someone to do the work so that they won’t have to take the fall, couldn’t they just tell them who really is responsible?” “Well, no. After all, Indecite is VERY clever when it comes to these sorts of things. They have erased any evidence that they are truly involved.” “With all due respect sir, if that’s the case, then how

do we know they’re the masterminds we’re looking for?” “We have an inside man, remember?” “But shadow was caught.” “But we still have another.” “I wasn’t notified.” “Am I required to notify our every move just to keep you happy?” “That’s not what I was saying, it’s just, Shadow is my friend, and a fellow agent. I think I have a right to know what’s been happing to him.” “Well, I suppose your right, and I regret to inform you that he was killed a few days ago. He escaped and was trying to contact someone within our agency, but never reached them in time. He was killed as soon as he was found. We had another inside man in as soon as Shadow was captured and informed us of the devastating news as soon as it happened. I am truly sorry.” You remain silent for a moment. “So you never sent a rescue mission out for him, you just replaced him as soon as he was caught? And how did you know he was caught if he was the only inside man you had at the time?” “I can see you’re upset, but these are questions for another time. I have to brief you, so you can get to your mission. Understand?” “Aye sir.” “Alright. Anyway, we have a man retrieving the blueprints as we speak, but we need you to retrieve the keys before they are entered into the wrong hands. Is that understood?” “Aye sir. So where and when will I be leaving?” “We have the location of one of the two keys already, but we are still working on the location of the second. And your departure will be immediate. So, on that note, gear up. The drop ship is waiting outside.” “Aye sir,” You reply. You’re just about to make your way to the armory, when the Captain says; “And Wolf, one more thing, you are the best agent we have, and I know you won’t fail me, but be careful. This guy isn’t like anyone you’ve faced before.” You nod your head and walk out of the room.
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Comments (6)

@WolfRavena_CharaLover_UT_FNAF oh man, I’m sorry I missed this, I didn’t even realize how long it’s been since I’ve been on this site! :0 Yeah if you want to talk on discord still I’m down! It’s just really hard to get on the same time on this sight. I have adhd so once I forget this sight it takes a while to remember. XD my discord is Whitebread#6707 (I know See More
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on January 06, 2024
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on February 11, 2023
oh dude btw in on discord Pretzels With Feelings#1871 my pfp is of Angel Dust -we should totally catch up XD (If you want no pressure of course ^^ )
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on March 18, 2022
@wolfravena_Charalover_ut_fnaf ? I did not expect to here anyone to be honest, it’s been a bit since I’ve been on. I’m doing great! How about you?
Im so sorry im so late- I'm doing a lot better than how i was in 2016 omg i was so cringe balhbefqihcdj
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on March 18, 2022
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on February 11, 2022
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on December 19, 2021