Road Trip!

"Were here!" Said Jayd's mom. Bella's mom hopped out of the car when they parked. "Ok, lets see our cabin!" Eveyone opened their mouths. It was beautiful! It was right next to the beach, too. "We have a purfect view of the beach! Yay!" Bella squealed yet again. "EEEEEE!!!!!!" The girls squealed in delight as they entered the cabin. It was made out of the finest brown wood, it had beautiful glass windows with not a single stain, and they each got their own room. "I'd wanna LIVE here FOREVAS!!!" Jayd said. " We are staying, HERE, for two WHOLE ENTIRE MONTHS?!?!" Bella sorta screamed/asked. " Before i tell you, please don't scream next time." "Ok!" Bella repilied. " And, yes, we are staying here for two whole months." Bella's mom said. Snowy jumped into Jayd's lap when she sat down, and she almost freaked out."I didn't see her coming!" Jayd giggled. "She does tthat offten,so be careful." Bella said seriosly, but ended up in a giggle-fest. Spot rubbed himself all over everone, showing his big, supprisingly white teeth. Musk just kept purring, happily. Snowy hopped off of Jayd and fell on Spot's back, and Spot acted like a angry bull trying to rampage the world. "Gosh, that dog can run!" Jayd's mom said. Bella and Jayd returned to their giggle-fest, and evryone started laughing. "We need to unpack, girls come help the elders." Jayd's mom suddenly said, breaking the giggle -fest. "Aww, you're not THAT old, Mom!" "Yes I am now, help." Jayd's mom directed. "Do the pets have to help?" Bella asked. "If they can!" Jayd's mom giggled. Snowy went to the car with them, and tryed to help. "Maybe she can hold the leashes and collars?" Jayd sugested. "Sure." Bella's mom handed the collars and leashes to Snowy. Snowy put them in her mouth, and walked to the door. "Good Kitty! Yaay!" Jayd coaxed. Some of the collars were lipping from Snowy's mouth, so Musk came and helped her. "Aww, Musk is a sweet heart." Bella watched them go into the house, helping each other.
Suddenly, a giant roar came from somewere. "Huh? Anyone heard tha-" Jayd was enterupted by another loud, terrifying roar. "What is doing that? I'm scared...!" Bella whispered. They heard a shreik meow, turned around and saw Snowy jaw-dropped looking at the sky. "What's she looking at?" Bella looked at the sky. "Jayd.... a.. a.... DRAGON!!!! MOM!!!!!" Bella tripped over the sidewalk as the dragon landed near Snowy and Musk. "I thought dragon's weren't real.." Snowy mewed. Musk was too terrified to speak. Spot growled at the dragon, and the dragon just said, "I'm not here for a fight. I' a NICE dragon! My name's Blueice. I am a cat dragon, acually." "I.. I can hear what you say.. but I am not an animal.. what's going on? Jayd's mom freaked. " No one has ever spoke to me before! Acually, I just came here. But I am not a harm, promise! I just.. think i know Snowy.. thats all." Blueice repilied. "How do you know my name?" Snowy said, amused but shocked. "WHAT?! Now i hear what Snowy's saying?!?! What in the world..." Jayd spoke with caution. "Oh, I'm magical. A long as I gift you, you can speak to pets. I gifted you all, soo yaya you!" Blueice spoke with a magical tone in her voice. "There is also, another dragon you might like, Bella." Bella truned around to see a Green scaled dragon, with blue royal eyes. "His name is, Greenfire." Blueice said. "We came for a reason.. And there's a reason you have these cats, too. We are the sages, and you are the lost Princesses. Belive it or not." Blueice looked at Snowy and Musk. Then, she saw Spot, shivering in a corner. "Poor puppy" She said. "I.. I am c c confused.. what's going on? Are t t they g g g g going t to go a a away? They are my best friends." Spot shock at the thought of loseing them. "No, they aren't going anywere." A booming voice said. Bella and Jayd turned around to see a Dark black and purple dragon. "The darkness dragon.." Blueice and Greenfire said together. "Prepare for battle."
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