Return to Sabera

One day we all went on an Field trip to Grassy Hills. That Night we stayed in a hotel room. i heard soft, soothing voice which made my ears blessed . as i walked i saw a girl singing . As i looked clearly she was Aina. I never thought she could sing so beautifully. After that i never heard her singing again.
As i was recalling my childhood memories , My mother started to scream " Hurry up Aki! We need to catch up the train by 6;00 ..IT'S 5:38 aldready " she said
By the next day we will be in Sabera, My precious hometown which i even remember now. Completely.
May 22nd will be the day i would see my town, my friends and even Aina. I thought as i was packing
We rushed to the boarding place, it was a 8 hour long journey. I had nothing to do better than predict the climate of Sabera. While I was writing down some stuff I was distracted by some other thoughts, about my good old friends. ""How would they be now? Shiro was a great football player . he wanted to dye his hair so badly. I wonder if it is still black . Iori always tested her basketball moves everywhere. She was so active & Cheerful
Ichi was always gazing at the sky or sleeping in the grass. He is just too lazy but he is a great puzzle solver. his dream was to become world famous detective because he answered all right answers in logic round in a quiz conducted when we were class 5
Haru was a guy was quite popular with girls. He was Cute . He looked exactly like a girl. When he first entered into our school in 2nd grade everyone thought it was a girl. I too felt the same. He and I went to music classes when we were 3rd grade. he was proud, Rude but was kind inside and my Best friend too. It's weird how he became my close friend. He used to learn Guitar while I used to learn Flute.
And Mysterious Aina who has a great voice. We never knew where she used to live, who were her parents.. anything. "
After talking to myself for long time, I got bored and fell asleep. By the time I opened my eyes we reached Sabera. it was green, bushy, soft sweet scented grass, Crystal blue sky, filled with beautiful birds flying. it was ideal weather for all. ""Like always, it has not changed "" I smiled
*Continued in the next chap*
*Stay beautiful - Aki *
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just edited chapter 2 . Check it out <3