Seven admirers

Seven admirers

You are Viola, a brave independent young lady, sixteen years old, Hanging around the forest as usual, come across a beautiful wounded bird, which leads you to Eleven unique Suitors, Each eager to know about you and make you ..their BRIDE! Which gentleman out of those perfect guys will win your heart? (Please read intro)

published on August 20, 2018not completed

Meeting all

Meeting all
"Are you kidding?" You scream as you read the label on the CD, Fifty shades. " friend said me it's great"
"What!? well.....uhh..don't you have anything else? Like animated movies and such?"
"I got three animated movies..i thought you'd laugh at me for watching those."
"No..why would I..?"
The bell interrupts your conversation. Cyan walked to the door slowly and saw a rather familiar looking person , He adjusted his Silver bangs and his eyes widened looking at you , yours were too. It was Jaden. He didn't say a word , just glanced a little , frequently , towards you.

"Oh. Jade" Cyan gave a small greet hug
"How are you doing? " Jaden patted on his back.
The two brothers looked like they shared some deep connection and this time Cyan didn't seem cold like to his big brother, Amber. Jaden's light blue eyes got teary and even cried "I missed ya a lot"
"Yeah we're a lazy daisy team!" Cyan giggled
You tried to talk to Jaden, but he turned away and made an excuse. whenever you tried to talk, he looked away. He was cold like his icy blue eyes.
"Let's watch together . Saturday nights are meant to be fun" Cyan winked
"It's so cold outside." Jaden jumped on the couch .
"I'll bring Green & Coffee , Jaden what do you want?"  Cyan asked
"Me?I'll have a warm tea , ofcourse"
"You both want tea. so alike" Cyan squealed
You blushed and Turned to Jaden to see how he'll react. Jaden was looking away , and replied
"Not at all. I just seemed to choose tea , that's all."
You didn't get why Jaden looked hurt and cold. you thought you should be the one angry on him.
"Allright. I will be back" he went to the kitchen
Jaden looked uncomfortable , looking at him that way made you upset, so you walked out of the room, And went inside a room with flashy posters, A classy guitar, some cool outfits. you were quite mesmerized.
You heard few footsteps, and saw Jaden near the door. "Uh you here too?!" he muttered
"Hey! Why are so so rude, like what did i do to you" you pulled him by his collar
He was saying nothing. "Answer me! I hate it when you ignore me like that!" you cried a little.
It was freezing cold outside. You felt really numb, and your legs were shaking.
"Okay..i'll be honest" he said  "I am ignoring not because i hate you , infact i ..i...." he stopped when he heard footsteps of Cyan. Jaden pushed you to the cupboard. "What are you doing"
he kept his hand on your mouth and shushed you.
you went quiet. "listen! i don't hate you. i just don't want Cyan to think other way..because i want him happy..that is with you. He never looked so happy till now!" He said under his breathe.
"But...why does it bother you whether  i ignore you or not..." he snickered
"Uhhh..because you're a friend of mine?" you gulped
"Really just a ...friend?" he came closer
"Yeah! Just friend!"
"Yes!..i think" you muttered

You felt his breathe close & warm. You realized a minute later how close you both were. both of you backed off, feeling embarrassed.
You were haunted by how close you were. Those things you thought haunted you again. Alone in a room, with one of your fiances. You were annoyed by those thoughts but stayed on composure. You were still angry on Jaden, for Ignoring you. You hit him in the stomach and blinked tears "I hate you..."
"I don't but" Jaden patted your head
You pushed him back, ran way from there , blushing a little, you dashed Cyan on the way, carrying the drinks. "Careful" he hugged you and the drinks fell on the ground. "The drinks!" you exclaimed "I'm sorry"
"It's Alright..but are you okay?" Cyan asked concerned .
You sputtered "Yeah i am"
"Hey, you didn't hear me rocking my guitar, have you?" he beamed
"No..I haven't.."
"I made a song..for you?" he pulled his guitar from his bag & started to play his guitar. he adjusted his voice & began to sing. his voice made you sit still & loose your mind, into your thoughts. His enchanting voice , made you swoon.
He waved his hand to bring you back to earth "hey.  did you like it?"
" did well" you smiled
"Thanks!" he winked
Outside the window , you could the see the street lights already lit, the cold breeze got goosebumps on your skin, You stood near the window & observed the winter night, and decided to go back home with Jade, in his car. But before you did, you saw a mysterious figure in Jacket and scarf , fully covered , walking on the streets.
You ran to the door and rushed through the stairs and made your way to the person. He was walking in a slow pace & you  could catch up with him finally . you kept your am on his back , panting. he turned back and was surprised and looking deeply into your hazel eyes. "R-Raven!" you cried
"Violet!" you hugged him tight before he could say anything. he gently tapped your back and kept his arm on your cheek
"Were you looking out for me?" he whispered
"No..I mean kind of..missed you" you pout "You said you'll meet me. then why did you break your promise?"  
Raven held your arm , seriously , "I will never let go of you hand anymore, i promise,"

"Raven.." Jaden came jogging along with Cyan.
You stood there in the freezing cold. The snow began to fall all over the place. "Where will i find you now?" you asked holding on to his shirt
He turned back and sat on his knees, ans pulled out a ring "If you wear this, in your heart". You glared at him. He burst into a laugh "You know what? You look cute even when you're grumpy". you ignored him and walked back . "Fine! We'll meet! at the palace err...Our house" he screamed
You smiled and continued walking. He hid his face in a cap & walked off as well. You got into the car and Jaden was sitting next to you and cyan was sitting next to the driver. Jaden touched your hand a little . You gave him daggers. He moved his hand away & looked away. You felt bad. "You can keep your hand on's not a crime.."
You held each other's hands. it was awkward. you liked his presence but you never saw it as love. you were still unsure whom you loved. But you felt bad loosing anyone .
"Sorry..for ignoring you" Jaden said rubbing your hand. You blushed till your ear & stuttered "I-it's alright??"
"Then..Will you choose me" He leaned a little on you. Cyan could see you too. he coughed . He was jealous?
"Um..Viola. Would you mind coming to my's this weekend. i'd love to see you there" he said chewing his doughnut
"I would glad to?" you said doubtfully.
Finally you were back. the car stopped at the parking slot . You opened the dark window pane of the car. Ouji was right next to you standing a welcome sign.
"You!?!" You both exclaimed seeing each other.
he was brushing his hair, and you twirled your hair.
He shoved the sign on you & made his way to his brothers. "Cyan. long time no see. Welcome again." he gave a fake smile
"Hi.." Cyan got quiet on seeing Hiro. Hiro gave a bright smile but Cyan didn't seem to care. It was obvious that he hated his Older brother.
Amber rushed there with some desserts." maybe these will lure you in. come on in, get fresh, we have a dinner party now." He cheered him up
You went inside the palace, and were roaming around and found yourselves near the dinning hall. You found Axel , reading a book, alone, and stitching something at the same time. "Hey..What are you doing there alone?" you groaned
"Me?" he asked  
"yeah , you , or who?" he asked
"Uhh..I thought you wouldn't talk to me anymore" he said
"You..remember me then?" you asked , almost tackling him
"Um..You were the girl in the hallway who cried for a reason i don't seem to know?" he said
"So you still really don't remember what you did that day?" you gawked
"Well I don't remember anything at all? I don't know what are you talking about" he uttered  "I don't remember me taking measurements of someone in an empty room or trying to strip a young maiden" he kissed you on your hand and waved "I sure don't" His face looked dark & you've never seen a person so dirty ever. But for some reason you still were blushing like a fool, dreamily but just for a moment. You screamed "You son of a @#$! "
He stopped and held you by your neck & attempted to kiss but you pushed him away. "So Whom re you going to choose?  It's not going to be me,  know that, so let me have fun before you'll be someone else's ." he gave faint smile.
"I wont be of anybody. i am me."
" This is  why i am so into you" he flirted
"Ugh that's why i'm so over you" you pushed him
he held your hand before you leaved "Stay with me" he said
"I d-don't know" you blushed

As you were leaving, you saw Ouji hiding behind the wall with a letter, with his head down low, . "what's that?" you mocked
"That..." he didn't want to say
You pulled it from him and teared the envelope & started to read. "I love letter" you squealed
Ouji stood there , his one hand on his waist and another on his mouth, shocked & nervous . " 'Meeting you was like a dream, bitter at first, spicy in the middle, and it was turning out of good taste, Sweet till yesterday, now it's all tasteless, as you're fading by..far from me.' wow, were you hungry when you were writing this. " you laughed
"Shut up, you won't get poetry, dumb head"
"Dumb head?" you held his collar
"Yeah. Dummy. This is for you! Take a hint" he screamed. He blushed, and so did you "It's for me?" you calmed down
"Uhh A practice letter, literature! so" he gave an excuse
"Literature ..huh.." you mocked him again
I'll add more chapters if this gets enough readers. please vote for your fav best boy in the comments for Our bold queen Viola, or you ;)~
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