Old home new drama
I don't even know if people are reading this if you pleas comment 'I am here' would love that plea and thank you
You had opened your eyes scared and sad Jeff did not know wire you were for all you knew after Ben had dropped you on the the floor of a unknown place you were not sure were you were but you could smell Jeff but how he had smelled of blood and alcohol and it was mixed with a stronger sent of blood and weed as you looked up you saw Ben standing befor you "w-what do you want with me!?" You screamed. He got down on one knee and grabbed you hand you where to scared to move he got up and to see your feet and hands were tied you "now let have some fun babe" he got down and kissed you.you were discussed you tried to kick but your feet were tied up he than frosted you to open your mouth so he could slip his tongue in after 10 mins he looked at the 'jtk' carved in your arm you saw his hand glow green as he touched your arm you flenched "LET ME GO YOU BASTERD" you screamed he lifted his hand and you saw she scar Jeff had left on you was gone.......it was gone now " now your mine~" he said the sound made you sick to you stomach.his hand had changed form green to red and he touched your leg your screamed in pain as your saw blood come from your leg.he lifted his hand and you saw the Zelda majora makes simple (this is what is is if you don't get it:https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&client=safari&channel=ipad_bm&biw=768&bih=928&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=-4_FWIOyDseW0gLC25-ADw&q=the+zelda+triangle&oq=the+zelda+triang&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.1.0.30i10k1.31164.36436.0.38134.*&imgdii=4z_OfdpjWGyuTM:&imgrc=SPDNKwie8jx-eM:)
It scared you how Ben had done that what will you do now.....
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