How it all began...

I was walking around Space Colony Ark, playing hide-and-seek with my brother (Shadow) And Maria, Well turns out i'm the one seeking.
I looked in every room top to bottom, bottom to top, upside down, right side up, but i still couldn't find them, so i decided to go back to the base to see if they were already there. As i walked back to the base, something caught my eye. It was big... and blue... and green... it was shaped like a ball, and had wispy white stuff on it. I couldn't figure out what it was. 'I wonder what that's called?' i thought to myself, all the way back to the base i tried figuring out what the weird blue, green, and white ball was. 'What could it be?' i kept thinking to myself.
Finally i reached the base to find nobody at it. Now i was getting kind of scared. 'Wheres my brother?' I thought questioning myself,'I've never been alone for this long'. Now it was clear to me that something was wrong. All of a sudden i hear gunshots being fired by the north hall. I followed the sound of gunshots feeling scared yet somewhat a little brave. I kept thinking to myself 'Is Shadow the one getting shot or the one firing the shots?'. I reach the north hall and slow down and peer over the wall, only to find Maria on the floor with red stuff on her. Suddenly, Shadow spots me then looks at these... Aliens? I presume. Then Shadow rushes toward me running as fast as he could, and grabbed me by the arm and carried me. As we dashed through the halls, the... Aliens... kept shouting "Halt!", or "Stop!", or if not "Stop! you killed Maria Robotnik! Stop or you we will put you down!", 'wait.. WHAT?!?!?' I thought to myself ' How could he kill Maria?!?!' That thought lingered through my mind the whole time we dashed through the halls. Then we came to a stop and he said "Swift look at me," I looked up only to find some red stuff on him to. before i could ask what that red stuff was he said "Swift stay here and no matter what happens don't move from this spot ok?" I nodded, and then he hugged me and I hugged back. Then he dashed out the room faster than time. A few minutes passed and nothing happened, then out of nowhere i hear an explosion and then everything just went... black...
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Are we all getting added or just certain people?
I'm confused (no offence)