Cloud jumper (my oc)

Alice was a hate sister of Jeff and jui woulds she grew up in a faster home and abused for being different that all changed for her one day..

published on April 01, 2017not completed

A/n and sneak peek of chapter one

    This will be comeing soon but here is a small sneak peek

     I was walking home from school scared To Go home i walked as slowly as i could when the three bully's of my school walked in front of me “hay kitty get over here”
I cringed at the name “i told you not to call me that what do you want” the three boys ran to me there names were Luke mark and Keith “well we have no one to mess with so we decided to mess with you” they said mark and luke ran behind me and grabbed my arms “HEY LET ME GO” the laughed and dragged me into the forest
“STOP” i screamed i looked around and saw that the had planned this there were rope and weapons on the ground “so let's start with the ropes” he side “HEY YOU KIDS LEAVE HER LONE” a man scared funding to Keith i looked down and heard screaming when i looked up i saw the most shocking thing ‘it’ had a royal blue mask with black ooze coming from it he took off his mask to look at me and I was shocked he had no eyes and gray skin his hair was light brown he ‘looked’ at me “you're cute I am going to keep you” he said I was baffled by what he said “w-what?”
Befor I knew it every things went black what is going on…….
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