First Tag Melzz2000

Question 1: What's your favorite book Series?
A1. i have so many so I am going to say one, The Inheritance Cycle.For those who don't know what it is, it consists of four books so far. These are; Eragon,Eldest,Brisingr and the final book Inheritance. It follows the adventures of Eragon a simple farm boy until he finds a mysterious blue stone. Thats all I am going to say.
Question 2: If you could have another name other than your own, what would it be?
A2. hmm..It would probably start with A like..Alyssa or Aria get the point.
Question 3: If you could have any imaginary creature as your pet what would it be?
A3. Imaginary? Probably a wolf.
Question 4: What would you rather have? Ice cream for breakfast everyday or Cookies for a snack everyday?
A4. cookies as a snack everyday.
Question 5: Can you make any animal impressions? If so, what animals?
A5. umm..maybe though they are not the best. Some may be..a kitten/cat, snake or any bigcat.
Question 6: What are some careers you thought about doing?
A6. only career I thought of doing is becoming a author. If that doesn't work then I'm not sure.
Question 7: What's your favorite genre of books?
A7. Adventure/Fantasy probably.
Question 8: What's one thing you can't live without?
My friends irl and on Qfeast ^.^
Question 9: How many times have you been tagged?
Once with this but then after this I was tagged by FrostGoddess so..twice
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