
Tiny but powerful. On first glance, you would never assume that she was the world’s deadliest creature; hair that matched the night sky, eyes that seemed like a new shade of purple and almost elvish features. She attracted her pray almost as much as she scared them. Running through the moonlit forest, she slowed only for a second if she wasn’t so busy she may have taken the time to notice the beauty that the moon supplied to the forest. But she was busy she was proving a point
She was hunting.
Her almost supernatural senses had already told her where to run and the closer she got, the more her instincts took over. Almost like a snake; once calm and docile but the minute the prospect of a hunt presented itself, it became passionate and eager. The hunting girl had almost no idea why her target was chosen for death this night. But if her masters wanted it dead, then she would follow that command. Killing was one of the many things her programme was perfect at.
There, in the darkest and most covered part of the forest, sat her prey sitting almost as still as a statue. As if that would save him. Any normal person would have tripped and fallen in the night, her but night vision and the tiny bit of light the moon gave allowed for her to see what it was she was hunting. He looked no older than his early twenties, wearing a simple pair of jeans and a black hooded top, almost like he had been plucked off the street just for her.
Walking closer, she did not bother to hide her footsteps; she could smell the defeat coming from the man. He had already accepted the fact that he could not run and was essentially trapped. As she bent to the level of her supposed prey, she looked into his eyes. William Shakespeare once said that eyes were the window to the soul and in this moment she truly believed it. Unexpectedly, she did not see fear or anger but forgiveness. It was like he knew that she had no choice. If she could feel emotions, then she may have felt sorry for him, but she still had a job to do; so, before he could even register that she had moved, she struck.
As quick as lightning she watched as the man fell to the ground. His neck bent at an angle that she was sure was considered odd for humans. She sat there for a moment looking at this odd human before she sighed, picked up his body and began walking back to the base.
As she neared the base Zero could hear the small group that originally sent her out they appeared to have been watching her on the security camera’s, it only took a few second before she was standing near enough for them to see her. One of the visiting generals spoke softly ‘An impressive result’. A smiling scientist more commonly know as Dr Masters replied to him ‘we’re ready to let it into society’. The girl could sense the excitement mingling in the audience. She turned away, looking back into the base building – a building that she once considered home a very long time ago.
The girl stalked over too Dr Masters , the scientist who had spoken just a moment ago, and placed the body towards his feet, she wanted desperately to ask why; why this boy; why her but she knew better than to ask, experience had told her that she would not be answered truthfully.
Slowly looking up to Dr Masters she could see the smile on his face that same smile that he got every time she did something right, it was wrong; it looked foreign on his face, while Dr Masters was young his normally stern expression aged him, with greying brown hair; sharp blue eyes, a smile truly did not suit his face.
“Congratulations my little blossom you have made us all proud.” I smiled softly this was one of those are rare moments were he showed compassion.
As the army generals and scientists stared to group Dr Masters was back to being his normal stoic self “I believe it is time for you to go to sleep wouldn’t want to overheat your systems.”
Sighing zero wanted to protest, but found that he was right. She has used up so much of her energy that all she wanted to do was sleep, so with a flick of her hair, she disappeared silently into the forest.
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