
Serves Alex the King of Lunar
Name: Cinder
Age: 18 (Hatched at the same time Alex was born which is why they are together.)
Gender: Female
Species: Giant Raven
Kingdom: Lunar
Magic: The ability to shrink or grow in size
Love(s): Flying, being near Alex, Sleeping, Eating, Diving, Scaring Alex, being evil at some times.
Fear(s): Esaine and losing Alex
Other: She gets food from the cooks and has a royal roost in the stables that is reserved for her but that she barely ever sleeps in.
Back story: She had hatched the day Alex was born, and taking that as a good omen Alex's parents the King and Queen at the time took Cinder and gave her to Alex who quickly took to her, ever since she has stayed by his side and intends to die the same day he does and would rather sacrifice herself than see Alex come to harm.
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