
City Name: Venice
Human Name: Inezia Maledire
Hair Color: Crimson-Brunette
Eye Color: right eye Hazel, left eye Crimson-Amethyst (Heterochromia Iridium)
Skin Color: light Olive complex
DOB: March 25, 421 AD (city age)
Age: 16 (human age)
Height: 157.48 cm (5'1")
Weight: 45.4 kg (100lbs lbs)
Short Bio
The beautiful city in Italy, Venice. He is quiet and tends to rarely talk unless spoken to or in a dire need to call out or ask a question. He's lived alone most of his life but he/she has stayed with each of his two bosses for a year, Italy and 2p!Italy. Despite his past, the City has even stayed with a former enemy before during winter; Germany has no idea that he's the boy from past wars. It was said that the City went missing for almost two years but surprisingly came back, no one knows where he was. Venice appears loving and sweet but deep down is a psycho. Venice also has world problems that affect his human body, the rivers flooding causes his blood level to rise and have excessive nosebleeds out of nowhere at any time of the day. It was also told that as kids, London had gotten mad and put a curse onto Venice and makes it hard for the city of rivers to go near water. This made things difficult for him. If Venice goes in cold water, the city will turn into a girl. If Venice goes into warm/hot water, the city then turns into a boy. It was difficult for the city to go swimming or bathing with a group of people.
Venice was described as the quiet kid who always showed generosity towards others of any age. He always had a smile on his face but it just seemed wrong to some people. The Russian, Italian, and British Countries had a feeling that something was wrong with the city's emotions. Venice tended to stay alone or was with his older brother, Naples. It also has been told that the young City had a weakness for tomatoes and sweet food. His cravings of sweets was due to the lack of him eating most of the time. Over half of Venice's childhood was spent alone playing the guitar, painting, cooking, or taking a boat ride on one of his rivers.
History- Origins (real)
Venice is a descendant of Torcello, the small island where the city first began. Venice developed a creation myth that it was founded by people fleeing Troy, but it was probably formed in the sixth century CE, when Italian refuges fleeing Lambard invaders camped on the islands in the Venice lagoon. There is evidence for a settlement in 600 CE, and this grew, having its own bishopric by the end of the 7th century. The settlement soon had an outside ruler, an official appointed by the Byzantine empire, which clung onto a part of Italy from a base in Ravenna. Un 751, when the Lambards conquered Ravenna, the Byzantine dux became a Venetian Doge, appointed by the merchant families who had emerged in the town.
History- Trading Power (real)
Over the next few centuries Venice developed as a trading center, happy to do business with both the Islamic world as well as the Byzantine empire, with whom they remained close. Indeed, in 992 Venice earned special trading rights with the empire in return for accepting Byzantine sovereignty again. The City grew richer, and independence was gained in 1082. However, they retained traiding advantages with the Byzantine by offering the use of their, now considerable, Navy. The government also developed the once dictatorial Doge supplemented by officials, then councils, and in 1144 Venice is first called a commune.
History- Warfare (made for story)
Despite how much the City has grown in wealth, Venice has remained a small kid for many years. Once he had gained his independence in 1082 , he finally started to grow. Anytime that Italy went to war, the City was willing to help n any way he could. Venice was well trained at ground but he/she had natural expertise when it came to the Navy. Quite a few of the wars damaged the city badly but he/she son recovers and is back in the war. Italy has always worried over Venice but the City never noticed how the country was feeling. It's been known that the city has met a lot of the Countries but remembers none of them. Rumor has it that Venice once went to America when some of his people moved for a better life but the city was terrified of the outcome. He had never seen so much hate in his/her life, he soon fled back to Italy after a year in America. Ever since the City was young, he/she had one dream that he/she wanted to fulfill; to establish world peace and bring everyone together. This is one of the many reasons he fights, but his fight soon ends when against Germany. That is when Venice was put in bed rest and life support for over a year, him losing his/her house, belongings, and over half his memories.
Dark!AmeVen (2p! or Sweet Devil)
PruVen (Any)
EngVen (Any)
RussVen (Any)
SpaVen (Any)
Italiancest (Any of the Italians)
Venice x World
Genres I'll do:
BD*M (Any level, had to star the "S")
Gore/Vore (Any level)
Self-Harm (Occasionally)
Genres I won't do:
//I'm sure there's more, still learning.//
Genres I may do: (depends)
Fluff (Not good with families or friends)
1p!s, 2p!s, Nyo!s, Neko!s, Sweet Devils, Angels, and any other types of Hetalia characters are welcomed.
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