I LOOKED at the unconscious N/Y and looked at ches hey ches you carry her you can disappear with object and people right. he just looked at me yeah I will meet you their. I nodded then ches walked over to the unconscious N/Y and picked her and disappeared. after they are gone I sighed and slam my throwing knife at the wall it shattered into picese of shard of glass. I know that I can form the knife into glass . I cant believe that Alice came im so happy about that no im gone insane I already lost my sainty I I will not lose to our parents I will not let them have Alice. she is ours . nobody will take her away from us hahaha. now I must go I looked at the cornor and smiled glass shards on the ground I walked towards it and picked it up and touch the wall and form a glass door and open it to go through it . when I did I turn to glass shards then reappear in front of max. hey didn't see at first until he looked up and fell backwards from his chair and said geez Nyx how many times do you have to do that and looked at what you did you ruined a perfect tea time while N/Y is asleep. I walked over to max and helped him up . max you and your tea time when the time for no tea. he just huffed I just laughed im kidding max you don't have to put your tea away. he just smiled and made tea for the rest of us and we talked about how are we going to keep this a secret from our parents.
??? pov
I was enjoying a good tea called evening twisted tea its really delious for this time. ches is sleeping in A chair while black heart is waiting for Nyx to come back she flipping her card over to see what her black heart ace say she looked up and smiled I just looked back down to enjoy my tea. while not paying attention I was thinking of my dad what will he say if he found out we have Alice. he would go nuts about this. but me and my friends will do anything to protect our percious N/Y we will not go down without a fight and that's final!!! that's when I looked up and freaked out. ahh! I fell backwards in my chair. geez Nyx how many times do you have to do that and looked at what you did you ruined a perfect tea time While N/Y is asleep. she helped me up and said Max you and your tea time when the time for no tea I huffed and she just laughed. I thought. but I like my tea time. I listen to everyone conversation until Black Heart said can I wake her up now. I looked at her and we all nodded. while i took a sip of my tea. mmm its so delicious.
??? pov
i got bored waiting for the Alice to wake up so i wanted to wake her up myself. can i wake her upnow. they all nodded and smirk i gave a smirk and walked over to Alice. And dump water on her head to wake up and she jolts to wake up and sat up and gave me a glare. WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY DONT SLEEP YOUR BEAUTY AWAY. i walked back to my chair and sat down in it and we all stare at her. i smirked and flipped my card and looked at it and spoke i don't believe we inerdoucd our sleves. she shook her no and looked at the ground .
Y/N pov
i jolt to wake up and sat up i see a girl that has a glass of what was water but now empty. her hair is black with red highlights but her dress has a black heart on it. Also she wore a black and red tira that has black heart on it along with her earings that has black heart on geez she obsess with black and hearts i thought. her shoe are black and red splatter on it and she has a ace card that she flippes over and back. please don't tell me that she killed somebody oh gosh are they going to kill me. That's when i looked around and to see what they looked like i see the rabbit i chase when i fell in the rabbit hole but he human now how is that possible and his hair is dirty blonde that is emo style spiky with rabbit ears that is black and white one of his ear are flop down to cover his right eye. the rabbit dude vest is pitch black but with splats on his white ripped jeans has a chain belt on it with a watch that hangs from his belt his watch is gold with a dimond that has number 7 on his watch that has the intonal L T hmm i wonder what does LT stand for.his shoe are black and white high tops that said always late don't show up on time. Now the next one is drinking tea he has pitch black hair that is spiked up in the back, his top hat is bright red with an joker card in it. his ripped jeans are pitch black along with his combat boots. his bright red vest with bright red armband and no underneath shirt. next is the person that looks like a cat. his hair is red and purple are spiked up on the side and front. his jacket is black with a buckle that tighten it across his neck to be a collar his jacket has red and purple splatters on it. his jeans are black with white belt that has a heart shape lock on it, his left hand has a finger less glove that has a spade on it. his ears are red and purple that has on gold earring on it on the tip of the ear. he hold a card that said wild on it. his shoe are black and red combat boots. now the last charater has short black spiky hair with blue highlights with it his bangs cover his left eye. i think its a boy yep its a boy i made up my mind its a boy. his jacket is black and blue with cat ears on the hood. he has blue torn jeans with green and black spike belt. his shoe are hightops that are black with rainbow neon splatter paint i think. on his right eye is a shard glass cymbol on it . In his hand is a glass shard. i finally stop looking at them and the one in the black and red dress said i don't we interduce our selves. i shook my head no. they just laughed at me i glared at them until on with the bunny ears spoke chill out we are just laughing that's all. that's when the one with tea said. my name is Maximus but call me Max for short. then the one in the dress spoke im black heart. that's when the one in the bunny ears spoke im Late Time call me LT for short. then the next one to speak is the one with red and purple hair. sup im Cheshire but call me Ches. Then the last one to speak was the one that i think is a boy. wats up im Nyx Shattered but call me Nyx for short. When they were done speaking i looked at them until Black heart pull out a chair and told to come a sit and have tea with them. When i sat down by Black Heart she just smiled until i spoke. Why am I here and Why do you keep calling me Alice. They all looked at me until LT spoke Well you see we want to see you so I lure you to the rabbit hole and you ran from each one of us and you are Alice don't lie to us we know your Alice our Alice that is. his voice change from sweet to demon ic voice that creepy me out until Nyx spoke. IF OUR PARENTS THINK THEY CAN TAKE HER AWAY WELL THEY ARE WRONG SHE OUR AND ONLY OURS WE DONT SHARE WITH OU NEW FRIEND NOT EVEN A BIT OH AND ALICE IF YOU TRIED TO RUN AWAY DONT YOU BE KNOCKED OUT AGAIN BUT THIS TIME HARDER OBJECT THAN BEFORE. that's when I was shock Nyx was the one that chase me and Ches helped her all of them are insane. Max looks at his tea and said Alice you might as well drink your tea and eat then Black Heart will show you your room .
( time skip brought you by glass shards went flying past you and you saw a figure then wave at it it facepalm at you)
N/Y pov
after I was done eating and drinking my tea I got up and Black Heart escort me to my room and smile and said we are next door my room right next to you and LT is right on your left and the others are across from you good night Alice. she then walked off back downstairs and I closed my door and looked to see a fancy room I walked to my bed and laid down for the night all those thing they said roam in my mind that's when I fell asleep I hope I wake up from this nightmare.
LT pov
I walked to my room and st6op by the door and open it I saw the other head to their room except Nyx its her turn to guard the door of Alice while Ches Is guarding the outside. I wave at them they wave back then went in my room I wonder if she will try to escape I hope not then she will be introble we don't want that . I close my eye and fell in a deep slumber.
hello people its me Shattered im here with Nyx and the other wonderland people.
Nyx: why are we here?
LT: lighten up Nyx its not like we are going to get devore by the watch
Black Heart : hehe I think there no watch that devours people
Max: please be quiet im trying to drink my tea
Ches: we got nothing else to do so tell us the questions Shattered.
me: ok this question is for all of you . what do you think of N/Y
Nyx: I think of her a kool person and she needs to work on here running if she wants to beat the fastest one ~smirks~
me: ok thank you Nyx
Black Heart : I want to be her friend I think she be a good friend
LT: I think she cute and that's all
Max: same here my answer token byLT
Ches: same too with the Guys
Me: ok next one this is for Nyx . Nyx did you know she called you a guy
Everyone exce3pt Nyx: hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Everyone except Nyx: ~slience spread the room.~
Me: ok that is all ssay bye to Y/N
thanks for reading the chapter oh and commet down below and vote thank you $$$ nyx shattered ou bye
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