It was a Dream...

~Alex~ " Night Kamiko! "
~K~ " \(^^) "
~Emiko~ " Um...Kamikoo..?"
~K~ " Hmm?"
~Emiko~ " Are you mad at me? "
~K~ " Yes "
~Emiko~ " Bruh. "
~K~ " No go to sleep. "
~Emiko~ " Why are you mad at me...? "
~K~ " Cause I can be. "
~Emiko~ " That didn't answer my question but okay..."
*after they feel aleep*
~????~ " Welcome Kamiko..."
~K~ " Wut. "
~????~ " Follow me..."
~K~ " Oh hell no. I know you wanna take me to that backroom and go all purple guy on me. "
~????~ " Your so annoying. Just Come with me. "
~K~ " I don't even know you. You don't even have a face! Are you a rip off Slenderman or something? "
~????~ " Oh my god, I told them I didn't wanna deal with you "
~K~ " Then don't. "
~????~ " Come with me so I can get this over with. "
~K~ " Am I in Heaven?"
~????~ " hahaha, No. "
~K~ " Where am I then? "
~????~ " The Beginning..."
~K~ " :0 am I gonna meet baby me!? "
~????~ " No. "
~K~ " Then what kind of beginning? "
~????~ " Before....the accident..."
~K~ " Accident? "
~????~ " The cause of all...this.."
~K~ " I'm so Confused. "
~????~ " You'll understand in due time..."
~K~ " Can i leave now?"
~????~ " Sure after you pass this simple test. "
~K~ " Try me. "
~????~ " Go inside here.."
*she walks in to the room and the door closes behind her*
~K~ " I'm not afraid of the dark -=- "
~????~ " Its what inside the dark..."
~K~ " Ghosts? Demons? Something looking to take over my soul? -=- "
~????~ POV: " This girl " " Not exactly..."
~K~ " So what? "
*something opens*
~????~ " Have fun..."
~K~ " What. "
~K~ POV: " Is something crawling on me? Meh...but what if....hold on..." *she activates her quirk and light appears somewhere, she looks around and begins to freak out*
{Back with the Others}
~Alex~ " Kamiko! Kamiko! Wake up! "
~K~ *wakes up breathing heavily*
~Emiko~ " Are you Okay? "
~K~ " Yeah..."
~Uraraka~ " Emiko! Come on! Were gonna be late! "
~Emiko~ " I'm coming! "
~Alex~ " Hmmm..."
~K~ " We need to follow them..."
~Alex~ " I'll go get the Hoodies "
~K~ " :] "
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