Alex and Winter/Zero (Undertale.)

Gender: Like Frisk, Alex can be either male or female depending on the RP. They are often portrayed as male, however, it depends on 'the host'.
Appearance: Alex has short, slightly wild black hair that looks grey or brown in certain lights. They wear black framed glasses over their blue eyes. Their skin is slightly paler than normal and they often wear black or blue clothes.
Link (As a male and female):
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Alex can come off as rude, impolite, apathetic, emotionless or cold until they trust the host. They're a bit of a tsundere, acting cold but in reality, can be rather charming, that is, once you get to know them. Their true self is sassy, confident yet kind. Once they open up, they really do care.
Strengths and weaknesses: Alex having lived for a long time, is very knowledgeable about the Underground, however, they only help those that they trust or believes have potential despite not liking dying over and over again. Once they trust someone, they are loyal and would do anything. Perhaps this is also a weakness as those they trusts could betray them. Once you have their trust, which might I add is hard to do, they will be loyal but if you betray their trust, which is easier than gaining it, they most likely won't forgive you as they can hold grudges. Another weakness would be their hesitance to trust others or to help out their host which could evidently get their host killed and result in 'dying' again. The problem is, the pain that the host feels transfers to Alex so they too feel it.
Likes and dislikes: Alex likes listening to music, peace and quiet and other things. Although they won't admit it, they also like their friends. Alex has many dislikes which outnumber their likes so I won't list them all, however, they hate betrayers the most.
Backstory: Alex was one of the many humans's to fall down to the Underground. They stayed neutral in the conflict and for a while, stayed in Snowdin. However, one day, they grew homesick and left. As they were walking, they were hit by a snowstorm. They died from the coldness of the storm. But it didn't end there. Their determination to live on somehow granted them another chance at life. Their soul, a deep blue for integrity, attached itself to the next human, whether or not it was in the same timeline, and in a way, they were reincarnated. This became their new life. They would 'reincarnate' or 'bond' with a person's soul and would stay with them until they died. When that host died, Alex moved onto the next human. It was up to Alex on whether or not they chose to reveal themselves to the host or help them. Alex would communicate with the host which to the host, would be a voice in their head that they could either listen to or ignore. Nonetheless, after dying and being 'reborn' so many times, Alex changed. They saw countless of timelines, and just like Sans, can remember them all. The cycle kept on repeating, sometimes it was the same human who kept resetting, sometimes it was a new one. Eventually, Alex came to the timeline they're in now.
Other: Alex has the ability to actually give themselves a physical form, as seen in their appearance, which can actually interact with things, however, it is draining. The reincarnating cycle has also increased Alex's power and they've become pretty powerful due to this, however, this is strongly restricted by the fact that they can't exactly stay in their physical form. Little by little, the time that they can maintain in physical form has increased but they can't battle in it. They can stay in the real world without battling but a battle drains a lot more energy. Alex can also direct their current host's soul to help them however they don't do it often as one, it takes energy, and two, this only happens if Alex has even the slightest trust in the host.
Name: Winter/Ace
Gender: Winter is female. Ace is male. Their gender depends on Alex's as they will be the opposite gender of Alex.
Appearance: They have snow white hair and blue eyes.
Ace: 1b64f4debec552a10fb4d73b4d46daa4
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: They are kind, cheerful and friendly. However, they can be slightly yandere when it comes to Alex. They are rather possessive of Alex as they are Winter/Ace's best and most trusted friend. Winter/Ace always remains polite and respectful, being quite friendly as suggested for their work, but not enough to seem nosy. They always seem more cheerful whenever Alex stops by. Normally, they can be quick to befriend, even quicker if you're friends with Alex and Alex trusts you. "A friend of Alex is a friend of ours" is often said by Winter/Ace.
Strengths and weaknesses: They are fairly strong but not the strongest. They are kind and compassionate which may be a weakness as they’ll put others before themselves.
Likes and dislikes: They enjoy cooking, talking and playing the piano. They also like the snow, ice and the cold as it's their element. They are quite fond of Alex. They dislike killers, overly rude people and swearing
Backstory: This will most likely be revealed in the RP but I will say that Winter/Ace work at Grillby's as a waitress/waiter.
Other: Winter/Ace is an ice elemental (Like Grillby, but with ice) but they take a human, or human-like, form. Snowdin is the perfect place for them as it's in their element. They are not a fan of Hotlands and although they can't exactly melt, they are weaker. They don't see Alex as anything more than a friend (In most timelines) but they are still possessive of him. They have a crush on Grillby. (Let's face it…He's smoking hot.)
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As for OCs, I'll come up with one. (Though I might add in Tsumi. As a side character, though. :3)