What the Hell Do you Want from Me!

Laughing Jack has protected me from a lot of horrible things. Abuse, murder, and death. He has stayed with me all this time, but I'm afraid he's going to kill me. Kasey says I'm too paranoid and I need to get over it, but, it's hard. I'm afraid of everything. I stay away from others. Too many people in one place stresses me out so much, I've had nervous breakdowns. All other times, I'm trying to keep Kasey from starving herself. She thinks she has to be skinny to have people like her. She only eats oranges and she only drinks orange juice. I have to basicly force her to eat actual food. I had to take her to the hospital once. Kasey was shaking with famine. Her family didn't even care. If she died, her family wouldn't care. My foster family doesn't care about what I do and if it kills me. That's why I really hate them. I stay with my friends. I don't need anyone else.
Toby's pov
"Why did we need to kill that Rosemary girl? She seems so nice."
"If I had an answer for all the questions you ask Hoodie, I'd be Einstein."
I'm Toby. I was ordered to kill my little sister, one of the reasons why I wish I took her with me. When I set my house on fire and killed my dad, I left my mom and Rosemary inside. My mom got out without Rosemary. Seeing her, it clicked that Rosemary was still in a burning building. I ran and got her out. I set her on the ground and left her. The police found her before Laughing Jack could. When LJ found her, he showed how angry he was by killing everyone. Then he took six-year-old Rosemary away, he took her to a foster home. They made her angry, so she set their house on fire. She took a page from my book. Later, she killed a family's kids by taking candy and dipping it in a poison she made herself. That was a page she took out of LJ's book. LJ said that she showed potential and he decided to keep her alive. He was correct. It's only a matter of time before she kills her current foster family.
Laughing Jack's pov
Rosemary has turned sixteen and is still my friend. She introduced me to a girl named Kasey White, so now she can see me too. Kasey needs help as well. She is always trying to avoid eating. Rosemary brought me to the hospital with her when she had to bring Kasey. The doctors talked some sense into her, and sent her home. Rosemary has to have me or Kasey with her when she goes into public, or else she will have a nervous breakdown. She's begining to trust me less though. Something was wrong with her the other day and she wouldn't tell me what. I did notice she had cuts on her arms.
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