-How to have the perfect summer-

Ok so anyways I have lately wondered what the perfect summer is. The best way to figure something like this out (for me) is to list it! Since I am still new at blogging and all I will be making lots of lists! So... Here is the 5 ways to have the perfect summer!:
1. Music. It's the ultimate entertainer of all time!
2. Invite your friends over a lot! 2 people are better then 1!
3. Try to do new things. Like I mentioned in the my first blog, set a goal each summer!
4. Read. Ya I know it might seem plain but if your try new book genre you will see some very good books!
5. Try to do the most before school starts.
Hope you enjoy the list! And I will try to post every week (try to) so please look forward to my next blogs! BYE!❤️
I smile as I click post. It's been a week since I have started my account on BlogWorld and so far it has meet what I wanted it to. To save my boredom! But still I could not believe that my sister also had a blog world account. She only posts once every 2 weeks and her latest post was on crazy DIY's she found on the Internet. To be honest I never knew she was such a good writer! Also Fern came back from her vacation. She has jet lag so she is not really online. I am thinking on telling her that I have a blog world account but something in my head keeps on telling me that I should not. I would think that it would cause more trouble if I did not tell her... I go on my I pad and text Fern. My finger is doing that little dance it always does when I don't know what to text. I think it would be best to partly listen to that little voice inside my head. Which means, tell her that I have a BlogWorld account but NOT now.
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