The begging and the end

She drove away from the vets office getting mews of approval from her kitten the farther they got away from the vets. She idled at the red light when she heard a loud train coming through, she was sure she would leave before the train blocked her path, she pulled forward and saw that she had accidentally moved the car onto the train tracks. She put the car in reverse the kitten mewing in fear sensing her panic, the car wouldn’t move back so she moved the car back into forward motion, but it was caught on something.
The teacher tried to unbuckle her seat belt but it wouldn’t budge, the kitten was letting out little burst of mewing that started to sound like crying, she reached over to the kitten who looked at her with his shining eyes, she ran her hand over him and grabbed him pulling the poor little kitten to herself. She opened her door, the lights of the train just starting to show far off, she tired to push the kitten out into the cold but it refused to go, it went over to her buckle and started chewing on it.
The teacher knew that the kitten would never make it through the thick belt in time and decided to do the right thing, she pulled the kitten away slowly and tried to slip out of the belt, the horn of the train sounding as it grew closer. The teacher scrambled and the kitten watched, she slipped out and grabbed the kitten making a run away from the car, the kitten who was now purring and seemed so happy that the teacher would live was glad to be carried away from the train tracks and the loud sounds.
The teacher was pumping her legs as fast as she could, her car stuck and her kitten safe, she placed the kitten somewhat off from the tracks and stood again, the train was still far away. The kitten watched as his owner ran back to the car, he mewed trying to get her to come back, but she was too far away. The teacher heard the kittens cries and knew it would try to follow her, she was only a few feet from the car now and the train was nearing the car, she had to make it first though so she could grab her purse, she reached the car diving in and grabbing her purse. She gathered it up and was about to get out of the car.
The teacher never saw what was coming, the minute she turned around the train was upon her, she tried to jump out of the car but her purse was caught on something, she reached into the purse and pulled out what she needed and found that her leg was stuck, the teacher looked over to her kitten who was staring back wide eyed and moved one step towards her, she called out to her kitten in the loudest voice she could manage to stay, the kitten halted and let out pitiful mews, she blew a kiss to the kitten and turned to face her death.
The train rushed at her full speed, their was now way to stop the monstrous thing, and the kitten watched in slow motion through his blue and brown eyes as the train neared his owner and as it hit her, he saw something fly up in the air and watched as the car exploded in a shower of glass and fire.
The kitten moved towards the train that was slowing down and watched as the train also exploded filling the dark, cold, silent night with sound, heat, and flames.
A shard of metal flew towards the kitten who narrowly dodged it, the metal scrapped his shoulder but he felt little pain as he ran towards the smoking train and scrap of car.
He located the thing that flew, it was a big collar with a bell on it, he looked at it, but he didn’t find a name, the kitten slipped the collar on and limped away, holding on its neck, the last thing that his owner, the pretty teacher had given him. He mewed sadly as he walked going slow at first but soon breaking into a run, to get himself away from the wreak and his horrible past.
“Hello?” The doctor shook the sleeping teen. “Wake up please, hello?”
The teen shook a little, the doctor taking this as a good sign turned the teen over looking for any kind of wounds, the doctor didn’t see anything, the teen groaned a little. The doctor lifted the poor kid and carried him towards her car. She put him in the passenger seat and turned the heat on full blast, she pulled her car out and drove away from the hospital.
She knew the boy wasn’t in bad condition so she could take her work home with her again, she didn’t want her husband to find out about the sleeping boy or he would call for an ambulance when she knew perfectly well how to treat the teen. She located her street and found her house, the lights were on and she took that as a good sign. She parked her car and went to the passenger side opening the door and pulling the boy out.
He let out a big breath and she hugged him against herself, she had always wanted to adopted another child but her husband was persistent that five kids were enough.
The boy started mumbling and then shaking, she rushed him inside and took him to the guest room putting him on the bed and covering him with blankets, the doctor didn’t know if this counted as kidnapping but she would be sure to let him leave as soon as he was better and able to move.
She needed to come up with a good excuse though, she left the room turning the lights of behind her and coating the door with plastic wrap like she normally did, she went to the kitchen following the smell of food.
In the room the boy stirred opening his gray and blue eyes, he didn’t know where he was or who he was but he still fought to be awake. He could hear people talking in another room and felt something tucked around him, he squirmed but he couldn’t get free, he tried calling out but his mouth only formed the words.
A knock sounded on the door and he froze deathly still, the door knob turned and a women, a man, and some kids walked in. The women looked like a scared child, the teen struggled, someone noticed it in the dark and moved to turn the lights on. He didn’t want the lights on, he could see perfectly and he didn’t want to be temporally blinded.
“Sweet heart,” the man whispered to the women. “That better not be another ‘sick’ person or I will call the cops this time.”
“Yes darling he is, but he was on the ground unconscious and I’m a doctor, the hospital was an hour in the opposite direction and it was only a five more minute drive home... so I brought the boy here,” The woman was stuttering and dancing around on the floor.
“Mom, I think the boy is awake.” One of the kids commented.
“Sarah, I think you are right,” The women moved towards the lights flipping them on, on the teen. He shielded his eyes the best he could but the light still hit them making him blind. “Are you okay?”
“Lights...” The teen managed to gasp out, the woman moved over to the lights flipping them off. “Where... am... I?”
“Splinter, New Hampshire,” The man stated.
“Just past the creepy train tracks,” Another of the kids announced.
A picture of a woman and a train and car flashed into the teens head, he shook his head. “Who am I? Do you know me?” The teen looked at the woman and she looked back through the dark.
“I honestly don’t know who you are, and I do not know you.”
“Woman, train, car, fire, explosion, blood, collar, death, help,” The teen kept reciting weird incantation.
“What are you talking about?” The woman glanced nervously at her husband.
The boy let out a bloodcurdling scream making everyone in the room flinch. The woman rushed over, she reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a needle and gave him a relaxation shot, the boy quickly quieted down.
“Who am I, who am I, help me, help me, owner... she got hurt... owner is hurt... must find her... train killed her... train...” The boy drifted off, the woman looked over at her husband giving him nervous glances, she walked over to the lights and flipped them on.
Her husband followed her back to the boy who she started to inspect, their was wound on one of his arms that was deep but had stopped bleeding, she patched it together and moved on, she checked his head but it seemed fine. She took a small flashlight and opened one of the boys eyes, getting a gray shine from it, she moved over to the other eye and opened it enough to see in, this eye shined a brilliant blue back.
She checked the teens mouth and saw two small vampire like teeth that were larger then normal peoples. She closed his mouth as her husband looked over the kids vital signs, her husband nodded and then they both checked the kids neck. When she had found the boy it was to dark to look closely at his neck but now her husband fell back in shock, the kid had a grayish blue collar on, she looked for a name on it but didn’t find one.
Her husband covered up the boy and pulled her away, she fought to stay and keep looking at the boy. He picked her up and carried her out.
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