Crystal the gynoid

Species:gynoid-A Gynoid is anything which resembles or pertains to the female hedgehog form. The term has more recently been applied to a hedgehog robot designed to more accurately look like a hedgehog female with much more realism than normal androids, or of those with a sexual connotation
Age:inmortal,but looks like 16 or 17
Personality:she has too personalitys,good(right eye):quiet,seriouse,a bit anti-social,has a kind side for people she loves and is overprotective bad(left eye):kinda same,just a physco here
Relatieves:juniper(mom/creator) demon king(dad)
Friends:GUZ(pet/friend),jeff, daryth and jasmine
Enemies:his dad
Crush:her crush is unknown,she has shown affectione towards daryth and jasmine,but its unknown who she likes Orientation:bisexual
Backstory:read my story "Heart Without Beat"
Zodiac sign:capricorn
-she is completely mute,she can talk,but she just dosent.She only says,"MA!" At her mom,but with some one else, nothing.
-if somone destroyed her,she can be fixed sinces shes a android,but if they replace her with a other brain,she would have a difreant personality
-her powers are (in good side):teleknisis,telepathy and precognition,bad side:super strength,blade geyser and flying.
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