One more fight for him

One more fight for him

when Brooke and her friend are teleported to her favorite anime, attack on titan things will change

published on October 24, 201440 reads 10 readers 8 completed
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Chapter 6.

A note from the dead

She had found herself in the some room she first black out in. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. It was Armin to see if she was ok. "come in" she called out as her come in. She surprised to see him to see her. He her a cup of water then by a chair beside her.
"I have question, why did you act like that most people act that crazy," he asked.
"i know as soon as i lost him i would lose my whole family," she said.
"how, what do you mean"
" I not from this world, my family and Anton aren't from this world," No one know about her portal travel and that she wasn't from this world. She told him this story and he surprised to hear this. "that seems weird you killed the first titan you saw." he asked. " In my world your world is show and i watched it,"she told him. He was even more surprised, he said " by the way what were reading to him"
" The letter," she said surprised, " The letter i forget his letter, how can I be so stupid"
"what are talking about"
She then pulled the letter Anton gave her, she then told Armin "Anton and I wrote letter of what we wanted the other to do if we die, that's what I read to him." She looked the letter to read it when Armin replied " oh, by the way your boyfriend was a great medic." She didn't what he meant, she was about to ask him but he had left.
She read the letter "Dear Brooke, I hope you know i wish you didn't have to read this. I wish if you ever find a way back, not to tell my family how I died, I don't want my brother to know. And help brother and mom out and take my brother in as he was your our brother. Also I want you fight one more time in my honor, I don't care when or if you fight again just please do it for me. Also i want to move on and find some one esle to love but let stay in your mermory forever. Oh, you may wonder why i was asked to be a part in the survey corps. When you blacked out I helped with the medical stuff, that's why you had the bandage on your head. They though that would but a good addition to the team as a medic and a training fighter. I'm sorry i didn't tell you
With love your best boyfriend ever, Anton"
  When she finish she could believe it, Anton was a medic and all other things just got to her. Why didn't he tell her, why did he want her to take in his brother, why did he want her to move on, so many questions he would never anwser. As the days went by she would skip training, she was waiting for a fight. She was going to fix the list by taking a fight in his memory. She don't know how she could do the other things but she would one more time. It wasn't until a month after his death a fight come up. This time she didn't plan up a plan, it was armin who thought it up. She was just going to fight. "Remember be careful, we didn't want to lose another person " he said after saying the plan. They desided they would do they last plan but all people would stay on the rooftops to be safe. She was staying back making sure she would live to take this fight for him. When Eren was a titan ever thing was going to work and this fight would be for Anton. As they would do their part she was just imagining Anton fighting beside her. As soon as she had distracted the titan he had died. Eren had killed the titan and others around them. Armin then came up to her saying ,"we did it , the plan work and no one died for it."
" As we said in my world you only live once, I never though about it but now I get it" she told him
"your world is very strange"
"indeed, but i know one thing you can only live once and this is just one more fight for him
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Comments (8)

So sad I wanna cry
on February 23, 2017
:(( that was sad... really sad... it made me cry :((
but it is really good
on December 11, 2014
i don't try to make any one cry
on December 11, 2014
yes really!
on December 11, 2014
on December 11, 2014
on December 11, 2014
Lol,I always think about what I would do if I was in attack on titan :P
on October 25, 2014
on October 25, 2014