Continuation of Chapter One!

After a while of waiting, Dove flew back with a seed in her hand.
"My friends, I have an idea! Oh a wonderful one!"
Bluebird's head perked up, listening to his friend's idea. "What is it, Dove? What is your great idea?" he peeped.
Dove put the seed down and gently nuzzled it towards him, her feathers fluffed in excitement. "Lets plant this seed right here! It will resemble our kinship and shall last generations to come!"
"Great plan, Dove. I will help you do so." He picked up a few seed with his beak and dug a hole into the brown muck which stuck on his talons. Dove got to digging as well, dirtying her pure white feathers. Now splotched with muck, she finished covering the seeds underneath a small mound of dirt. "Drink Water Bound!" She chirped, saying a small phrase that their ancestors sang. Creature smiled from the shadows, keeping watch as Dove finished planting the tree.
"G i v e . i t . l i f e . . ." She whispered, her voice traveling through the air. Wisps of shadows and light crawled towards the small mound of dirt. A whisper echoed throughout the cave, alarming Dove and Bluebird.
One of Peace,
Shine your light,
Fend off the dying night,
One so Bold,
Your story, yet to be told,
One of innocence,
Your fortune fortold,
One written by the ancestors of old,
In darkness you shall fend,
and your friends you must mend.
The one of love, truth and paradox,
You will crave, cave and lust,
Be warned by deception.
Be careful whom you trust.
You three have the powers passed down by the great...
That is me.
This is my word,
My prophecy,
Peace shall come on the One.
Destined to be.
Bluebird sensed an uneasiness in his surroundings. His feather rustled along with the leaves with the wind furiously blew on. "Something is not right..." Dove nodded in agreement, spooked by the whispers inside the cave that they sat before. Bluebird huddled closer to Dove, his tail feathers quivering with fear. "What are those voices? Where do they comes from?" he said, his voice shaking violently. Dove shook her head, unknowingly. "It is unknown, but I think they are talking about some important beings..."
"U-Unknown beings...?" Bluebird stuttered. He had to find out, for curiosity took over him, and he was instantly brave again. "I must find out! You stay here, Dove. I'm going in the cave, even if it leads me to my doom!" He flapped his wings and and soared into the cave without thought. Bluebird followed the voice and tweeted a part of his beautiful melody. Suddenly, a pungent stench filled his nose and he retched. That was the smell of...bats! He looked up and saw thousands of red beady eyes looking down at him. He was afraid they would attack, but kept on moving.
"I shan't leave you Bluebird!" She said, and flew off after him. The cave was dark and dreary, as if shadows were eating the light. Amongst their flight, they came to an end. The caverns dipped into bottomless holes, except for a wall that shined brightly. Markings were carved, glowing as if just made. "Bluebird! Bluebird! Look what I've found!" She sang, looking for her friend. "Bluebird?"
Bluebird heard Dove's sweet voice echo throughout the cave.
"Dove! Where are you?" He wandered through the cave until he came across and beautiful white bird figure. "Dove! There you are! I thou--" He was cut off by screeching of the bats. The snow white bird wasn't Dove! It was some sort of mist... His entrance and exit was cut off by the bat who were charging straight at him.
" F i n d . . y o u r . . f r i e n d . . . l i t t l e . . . b l u e . . . s k y . . ." A small whisper echoed throughout Bluebird’s head, giving him focus.
Dove flew frantic, searching for her friend amongst the screeching she heard. "Bluebird! Bluebird! Where are you?" She called, her voice pitched with fear.
Bluebird's fear came back. His eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. He soared against the mob of bats. "Dove?! Where are you?" he yelped as a bat scratched his wing with its filthy claw. "Oh no...she could be dead...and it is all of my fault!" he murmured to himself. "Dove! Please, answer me!" He gasped as a black rodent scraped its nails across Bluebird's breast.
A pain hit her in the chest as Dove flew towards a light. She cried out in pain as talons seized her by her wings. A roar was heard causing all things to go quiet. Dove could barely make out another shadowed bird attacking a bat. It was on Bluebird! "Bluebird!" She screamed, her voice full of pain. Bluebird looked up to Dove. The mist...the mist was surrounding her! It spelled out the letters "Loyal till death". Bluebird shook off the bat violently and reached out for Dove. "Dove! Dove, do not fret, I am coming!" he cried out. He slashed the bat in the eye with his talons, grabbed her by the wing, and bolted out of the cave.
Dove cried out in pain as she was ripped from the mysterious bird's talons. She flapped blindly, trying to keep up with Bluebird. The strange bird roared from the cave, striking fear in Dove's heart.
"Fly, Dove, fly! Do not stop until we get to safety!" Bluebird struggled to stay up in the air with a broken wing. He was bleeding out fast as well. Could the end? No! He had to live! For the journey, to save the forest, and most of all, Dove. A screech was heard as something grabbed onto Dove once more. The mysterious bird grabbed her and took off, leaving Bluebird in the dust. All this was too much for Dove. The pain, her friend bleeding. Her head throbbed as the world closed in, leaving her in a comfortable haze. She could barely make out movement or anything.
'So.. sleepy...' she thought as the world around her went dark.
"Dove!!!" he yelled! He was in pain, but he could NOT let Dove be taken, not without a fight. With as his strength, he followed Dove, flapping his wings as fast as he could. A blue streak passed him. Could it be...Father?
Tealwater grabbed onto Dove and ripped her out of her kidnapper's talons. He flew as fast as possible away from the bird snatcher and threw her into a hollow. The bird screeched in annoyance and flew off, circling miles above possible reaches for a small bird as Dove and Bluebird. As if taunting the birds.
The pain Dove felt was unbearable. Barely aware, she knew she was being tossed around. Her bones ached in her body, she wanted to cry out in pain but none of her body responded. She wanted to see her friends, she wanted to feel warmth. But all she felt was cold and alone. Her heart ached, as she felt herself drop. 'Bluebird... h e l p . m e . . .' she whimpered in her mind, as she hit the ground.
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