Chapter 2; The Next Day

"0 Messages, 1 Missed Call and 1 New Voicemail." Appeared on the screen. Clarice tapped "Voicemail" and she saw the newest activity. Only one voicemail and it was from the police.
Clarice tapped "View" and after a short, 3 second delay, a voice came out, loud and clear.
"Mrs.Knight.. We would like to inform you that your son is okay and alive. However, he is in a coma. You can come and see him between the hours of 10AM-7PM. Thank you.." Then it beeped.
Clarice ran and got ready. She threw on some baggy clothes and ran out the door at 10:18AM.
*Clarice drives to the hospital and arrives at 11:26AM, since traffic was awful..*
*Clarice stands over her son until 3:00PM and then she leaves*
*She cries at home, wondering what happened.. Then suddenly there is a phone call*
*It's the hospital*
"Hello?" Clarice answers.
"Mam, we are sorry to say this, but your son has passed away. Night terrors forced him into a dream suicide, stopping his heart somehow. We are terribly sorry miss, and we did all we could to revive him.."
Clarice breaks down on the floor. She closes her phone, ending the call. She closes her eyes and cries herself asleep on the kitchen floor..
In her dreams, she sees Umbrel and Jake holding hands. Jake looks scary, and he has no eyes, but Clarice recognizes Jake's features.
He was defeated by darkness..
[End of the story]
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